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I opened the research library at five in the morning after a casualty call. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't concentrate on my papers either.

Turning down the research page I typed the business site and downloaded what I was looking for.

Two business magazines, one with a cover page of The Old Money, The Vansh Clan - Arjun Rajvansh, then the other, The New Money, leading Entrepreneurs Mr. Gopinath Chandra and Mrs. Lekha Chandra.

I can't do this. I can't agree to this marriage. Maybe Arjun isn't bad, in fact he isn't. He was a gentleman, good-looking, charming and all that I felt about him in our meeting was all good. He was all that I ever wished for at a fast glance.

I didn't know anything about him personally, who he was as an individual but I guess it's better not to go there.

My parents left me behind to chase for everything that he is today. And if I am ever going to be reunited with my parents, I didn't want it to be for him, I didn't want it to be because their daughter is getting married to a wealthy man. I wanted that reunion to be for me. Hopeless I am, but I can't live in that fear.

Maybe this relationship would give me something that I always wished for, a caring and loving big family, a good relationship, a good husband. But everytime my parents would come by my side I would imagine it's for the name that I would hold after him, as Mrs. Rajvansh. I can't live that life.

"Hey Ahaana. Time for rounds."

"Yeah I am coming." I closed my laptop and my files. This is my decision and no more dwelling on it.

I grabbed my coat and stethoscope and ran to do my rounds.

After two hours, completing rounds, some important tests and scans for certain patients, lab reports, an emergency code and an unfortunate loss of a patient, I was so done and exhausted.

My friends Nikitha and Dheeraj looked as if they were run over by a truck.

"It's almost nine, just nine and I am already so done." Nikitha said while we all took a seat in our canteen.

"I lost a patient who was all well, and perfect until the last rounds. I even checked him late at night." I said.

"That sucks." Dheeraj said and me and Niki scowled at him.

"So spill the beans." Dheeraj said, nudging me.

"About what?."

"About your marriage proposal. Your meeting with him yesterday. " Niki asked.

I sighed. No, I am here to work and busy myself so I could avoid Dadi's calls and not think about Arjun.

"No talking about that during work hours." I deadpanned.

"So after work." Dheeraj asked.

"No never." And then they both fell silent. If there's someone besides Dadi who knows me well, who knows about my family, my parents and my imperfect life, it's them, my best friends Dheeraj and Nikitha.

"You are doing that again!." Dheeraj said so casually while Niki scowled at him in disapproval. But he didn't mind, he just shrugged and glared at her. He was the one, who went all straight and direct, about his opinions, among us.

"What do you mean?." I asked.

"Pushing away the good for your parents." He said. I scowled at him, not because I was angry at him for that accusation but because I knew how right he was.

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