Chapter 49

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Mahira's POV

From the moment I stepped down from the taxi my anxiety spiked. The emotional turmoil I was going through was making me contemplate everything that I did and that I wanted to do next too. 

There were a lot of girls and boys who looked like applicable candidates or they could be employees of the company too. They were all gathered around the toll and showing their ID card to the security who was scanning them before they stepped inside an eight-seater golf cart and a few others to a minibus. They were all employees and others who I think were candidates for the interview stood by the side of the toll gate.

All were dressed so glam, in short body con dresses or office pants and there were only a few who had dressed in suits like me. Suddenly I felt dressed inappropriately. 

I scanned myself giving a quick once over, making sure to smooth the wrinkles and ensuring it looked neat and presentable. My loose white kurta with powder blue flowers on it, styled with a powder blue palazzo looked nice, it was comfortable. My hair was down, it fell up to my waist with big waves at the ends.

I look good. 

After my interview date suddenly got changed not once but twice and I curled in sadness and guilt it was today I got to calm myself down a little. Ahaana di, although she hadn't called or informed me anything about Arnav, called me today early in the morning easing my nerves that were distraught from the last two days. I thought even after Ahaana di talked to Arnav that he refused to call me. But it seems like that wasn't the case. She forgot to talk to him. She apologised to me a lot, but I wasn't mad at her. I doubt if Arnav would have called me even if she had talked to him. He might be so mad at me.

She asked me to come early today for the interview and dress nicely. I was so much a duffoos that I couldn't ask her how she knew about my interview.

I noticed another eight-seater golf cart at the stop and others also started getting inside. I showed my interview call letter and they guided me to another gold cat. I sat at the very back, where the seats were facing in the opposite direction.

"Hey, myself Vikrant. I am here for an arc internship. You?" A guy jumped into the empty seat near me and introduced himself.

"For industrial management as an intern itself," I said, and he nodded, still looking at me as if waiting for me to continue. I smiled confused, gathering my files and bag and clutching it closer to my chest. He was still looking at me but with his angled eyebrows.

"Myself Vikrant" He said and then I realised I hadn't introduced myself. 

"Oh, hi, I_I am Mahira," I said,

"Well, Hi Mahira'' He seems to be such an energetic and cheerful person. For the rest of the ride, he sat silently listening into his headphones while I roamed my eyes around. Both sides of the road were lined by several international and fashion brands, hotels and other ventures. Every member who was an employee of The Vansh Empire had green card access to all these shops and I could see many wearing tags walking in and out of various cafes and shops and walking on the sidewalk. Few were riding their electric scooters and some even on skates. The whole environment around me felt so foreign and elegant. 

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