52 ♡ Whispers Of Love & Secrets Unveiled

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A little long chapter ahead


Arjun's POV

The Little possessiveness that your love shows over you is hot. I never expected my calm and pious girl to flip but she did and I am so happy about it.

Hot, that she was, especially in her navy blue scrubs and white coat. I never knew I would one day fall hard for a woman with brains, hot on heels and a stethoscope around her neck.

Arjun Rajvansh, the guy who shouldered responsibilities and a stoic face and made sure to not fall for the worldly charms, had bent his knees happily for the most powerful and lethal weapon, love.

Loving Ahaana Chandra, soon Mrs Ahaana Arjun Rajvansh, was like finding and learning about a new and hidden soul of myself, which was more powerful than I ever knew, lethal in ways that I could destroy hell and heavens for her, beautiful like the enchantress that she was for me, and burning hot like how she makes me feel just by her touch.

And each day, I craved for all of this, all of her, a little more than yesterday.

She looked cuter because of her antics. She pulled me through the silent hallways -which I am sure wasn't allowed to be used by anyone other than hospital staff- like a secret agent. I assessed the halls for anyone while we turned every corner until we reached her cabin.

She pushed me in and closed the door slowly only after making sure the halls were clear and no one saw us. Or maybe she was looking for Dr. Cerena, from whom she was hiding me away.

Her hands were on her hips, her white coat twisted on her hands making it slightly lift giving me a clear view of her back. My wife has a cute ass. Perfect for me to...

I am going insane these days with these dirty thoughts. I am slowly becoming a pervert. A love sick, pervert, for her. Only for her.

I bit my lips, which I don't think I have ever done before, especially in a sultry way and groaned. Control Arjun.

And the site I welcomed my eyes with was devastating.

I expected Doctors to be perfect, clean, and organised or I expected.....

A lounge room perhaps it was or a locker room and it looked exactly like the one handled by a crazy bunch of bubble gum-popping high schoolers.

"What the hell hole is this place?" I couldn't help but mutter. One thing that irked me was a disorganised and messy place and the person who does that.

Oh God, please, I pray, let my wife not be what I am afraid for her to be.

"This is our small kingdom. The only place of peace where we chill and get our shit together", she said very happily, as if she was showing her most priceless and favourite place to be.

"Place of peace?" I questioned,

She turned towards me and nodded with a big smile before turning to have a look around the room with the same happy smile. What makes her so happy about this dirty room?

I bit my lips, trying to hide the pain or accurately irritation that was budding each second I saw the scattered room with scrubs, masks and gloves at different corners, coffee cups, few filled some empty and others half empty, open packets of chips and other snacks, dress, shirts, belts, socks and shoes hanging from the cupboard, few scattered even on the sofa that was on one corner.

INARAOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora