57 ♡ Sound of Life

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This chapter is a bridge to the next book in series, NOORI. But everybody will be a standalone, hence, in NOori, a chapter of this dire situation will be there in Aarohi's POV.


Target : 140 votes

Updating as much as I can until the second week of Nov. After that no updates until all the target is hit and also until Dec 5th.

Happy reading


Hospitals are the place where emotions take a toll on everyone, it may grow deeper to make bonds strong or it may tear bonds apart. But it also is one of a place which would have witnessed the purest smiles and purest tears.

As much as we could fake it until we make it in this world, this might be a place where our facade drops down and reality showcases our faces. 

6 hours, 45 minutes

The police had already taken statements and talked with the family. The VIP section of the hospital was arranged for the patient. The family from Italy had already contacted the embassy for an investigation into the not-so-kind accident that had brought their son to a hospital bed in critical condition.

The Vansh were doing their best, being there for Neil as a family and supporting his family who was trying their best to reach India soon.

"Arjun, I want my son to be cared for by the very best doctors. I don't care-a 'bout-a nothin' else. If something happens to my baby, then-a I won't stay calm. 

La mia bambino is-a tutto per me-a."

Sussane's Italian accent-filled voice boomed through the phone with frantic and fear.

"Sussane, calm down. We all are here and the best doctors are working on him"

Hushed frantic voices were heard from the background and Sussane was a whimpering mess. A second later the phone was in someone else's hands and a more cold, stern and perfect English with a mild Italian touch came through the phone. 

"Son, please take care of my son. I trust you with his life. I'm flying there soon, but for now, he's in your hands. Grazie mille." It was Neil's father.

"Yes sir," Arjun said, A Rajvansh addressed someone as sir, only because he deserved that, and Neil's family was the only one as such and Arjun respected him like a father. 

8 hours, 22 minutes

"I think I am fine, you could take a little more blood from me. That isn't going to kill me" Aayansh muttered annoyingly,

"Sorry sir, it's rules and it's for the donor's safety" 

The nurse replied kindly,

"My safety in return for my brother dying a room away" Aayansh snarled at her,

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