66. The first day - Part 1

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The Empire's gate remained closed to the outside world. When the buzz was - "the eldest heir of the Vansh got married", "the newest daughter-in-law of the Vansh yet to be introduced", "A day to go for the Raguvanshi's wedding" - the family and their team remained silent.

The joyous smiles and echoes of yesterday's wedding lingered around the Mansion ground as the family and friends, brimmed with lively energy, undefeated by the fatigue from an Indian wedding, started their preparations to celebrate the next wedding in a row.

When the sun rose the next morning, the Vansh ladies were all ready to greet their newest daughter-in-law before they started with the rituals for Arnav-Mahira's wedding.

As said, the newest daughter-in-law was getting ready and her wedded husband was waiting for her to come out of the walk-in closet.

A group of stylists and make-up artists were getting her ready for their first day and he had finished earliest and had been out in their bedroom.

Arjun stood before his new vanity table, a table that he had replaced for Ahaana with more shelf space, a wider white marble platform, a big and wide mirror, mirror lights and more products than ever before.

Running his hands through his cream custom-tailored traditional kurta, he button-down a few on the top leaving a clear view of his chest.

Arjun took his cologne and deftly applied it to his wrist and collar, the subtle fragrance enveloping him, leaving a lingering allure that always attracted her, and which always marked his aura.

"Excuse me sir", asked a stylist who came rushing out of the closet space with a blue velvet tray,

Arjun peered at him questioning, the presence of strangers inside his room was becoming unbearable to him each minute. He was entertaining their presence to the best of his abilities only for Ahaana.

They had to rush back home last night from the hospital and sneak back inside the room without anyone seeing, only because Ahaana thought it was a really bad daughter-in-law attitude of her to flee from home to work the very first night after the wedding.

No matter how hard Arjun tried to convince her that it was okay, Ahaana didn't become any less anxious about it. Mili had rushed both of them to freshen up and then the group of stylists and makeup artists barged into their room to begin their work.

Only for her….

He reassured himself again and again,

"What?" He barked, couldn't able to tone down his irritation in that,

The guy retrieved back in fear and grinned,

"Miss Ahaana asked which one would you prefer for her?"

The guy asked, forwarding the blue velvet tray that he carried.

Two sets of beautiful jewellery pieces, a choker, earrings, a Tikka and bangles spread on the tray before him.

Arjun sighed with a small smile despite the odds marrying his face. With a smile he looked back at the guy and to his smiley face the guy grinned back.

Shooting his head, Arjun moved back and took a turn to the closet room. The moment he took a step inside the guy rushed behind him to stop,

"Sir, actually she asked you to stay outside. You're not supposed to see her unless she's ready for you to see her"

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