65. Rituals and First night

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A very long chapter ever- ahead

A very long chapter ever- ahead

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Arjun's POV

From a distance I watched her, her joy resonating the walls of the Mansion bringing a whole new celebration with brightness and happiness.

It felt like it was only yesterday that I stumbled across her picture and denied the possibility of a marriage with her only because she was close to my sister's age. Then one fine day we exchanged our first two words in front of her house gates. It didn't take anything magnificent to happen between us for me to know that she was my future, my end game, my destiny, someone with whom I'll dream a future ahead until death parts us.

From meeting her to knowing deeper about her, and being with her in happiness and sadness, the journey we had together and the moments we made together will forever be our special story.

And today as a symbol of that remarkable journey, as a gift of our love, we got married.

But that wasn't it. The merry-go-round was moving nonstop stop and in between our happy bubble, there were wicked eyes waiting for a spark of carelessness from our side.

"Mr. Neil has reached sir" William said as he stood beside me,

It was time.

I glanced at my happy family, my loved ones going above and beyond for the love of my life, my wife's happiness and comfort.

For them to stay happy like this forever, I will do anything. Raise hell if that's what is needed.

"When a gun fires a bullet, it creates a mechanical wave energy in the form of a shockwave, and the bullet's supersonic speed creates a distinctive soundwave. When any such energy is detected within a centimetres range of the fire belt, the system will automatically fire up and ballistic glass will cage her", Neil explained, as we gathered in our office room underground.

With our security team and an additional officers called down by Neil, we have gathered around to make a plan, especially the safety requirements that have to be changed and improvised.

As Mahira's family was from Kolkata, they wished to include some of their traditions in the wedding. As a part of it, the bride was supposed to be carried to the mandap by her brothers.

The wedding planners along with Mahira have decided to bring in a palak (bride's carriage) into it. She will be seated upon it, an open carriage with pillars and a flower veil over it, which in turn would be carried by the brothers.

"That means the whole system would be heavier than a presumed palak would be" Aayansh stated,

And that was definitely a problem since all the wedding arrangements were completed and even rehearsals for entry were done weeks before. That was mainly the reason why I had called the wedding organizers to a meeting. But even then, we'll have to explain to our parents.

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