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Arjun stared at his secretary William in amazement. How could someone fuck up this wonderfully?. He didn't understand.

"Arjun, are you listening to me?" Aparna's voice came from his phone.

Taking a deep breath in, he closed his eyes to calm him down before answering her back.

"Yes mom."

"Okay, so listen. When Ma, (Nandini) called Ahaana's dadi, she said Ahaana had already called you to inform her decision. So tell me, what did she say?. Why didn't you call us immediately?. We were all excitedly waiting for this, you know. Didn't she say yes? Of Course she would have. Right. I loved her. Arjun, say something. What did she say?." Aparna asked questions after questions. Her excitement showed off in her voice.

Arjun clenched his jaws and curled his fists in anger while glaring at his secretary who sat in front of him. William squirmed under his glare, he was doomed. Today was his end.

"Arjun??." Aparna asked again impatiently.

Arjun couldn't help but sigh at his misery. Now how can he say that his secretary had done a good job in making Ahaana end things for good, even before it had begun.

"Mom, I am off to a conference meeting with some overseas client. I will come back home and we will talk. Wait till then. Bye." Before he could hear his mom saying anything else he hung up the call.

I took him a minute to get it together before clearing his sound and deciding to talk to his delusional secretary.

"Do you know why I haven't fired you?." Arjun asked seethingly. He couldn't, even now,get his head around the fact that had happened.

"N_no sir" He said. He was sweating profusely in the air-conditioned room.

"Because you have been one among the promising employees of mine. You have been perfect with your job, hardworking,ever since. What the fuck happened to you William?." Arjun shouted at his secretary.

"I... I am so so sorry sir. I don't know.. " he stuttered.

"Just shut up. Shut the hell up."

Arjun raked his fingers over his hair, messed up to a greater extent, he couldn't control himself but groaned so loudly.

"What did I ask you to do?. To go to the hospital reception and enquire about Dr. Ahaana's shift hours. Is that right? Not to ask Dr. Ahaana herself. I wanted you to go to the freakin receptionist, the freaking front desk like any other normal sane person who would go to a hospital to know about a doctor."

"I, I thought since she's going to be your, your fiance.. I was supposed to.."

"Oh my God, are you freaking insane. Stop walking around with an antenna and not everything you hear is the finality to any story."

Arjun was so done with him by now.

" I am so sorry sir. My life is a mess right now. I am so distracted, with my boyfriend,..." William started blabbering, the poor guy was on the verge of crying..

"Stop, stop right there and don't you fucking cry. That would be the last nail in the coffin." Arjun shouted at him, amused at a new William that he hasn't witnessed until now.

A few minutes had passed by and Arjun couldn't help but sit gobsmacked at a sobbing William who was controlling himself like a kid. William had poured his heart out to Arjun, all about his boyfriend, his relationship and even a bit of his sex life.

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