72. Football After Marriage

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Mahira's POV

I don't know for how long I cried or how hard I cried. Earlier my cheeks hurt smiling and now, my eyes were burning after crying. Mess, oh, that I was.

The stocked-up excitement and adrenaline of a week of wedding celebrations slowly died down the moment we were asked to take blessings from the elders…

I knew what was coming next, my farewell. According to tradition, they call it the Bidaai ceremony. 

Soul wrecking, agonising ceremony…

The moment when most girls realise the numerous times that they wished to be a bride as an innocent child was solely for the beautiful lehenga, gorgeous pieces of jewellery, savouring delicacies, lots of gifts and tons of love and attention. But never to accept the hard reality that tomorrow you are going to wake up in a new home, a new bed and live with a new family. 

I love my new home, my new bed, my new room, my new family and above all I love that I am married and he was with me.

But that didn't stop me from crying or being sad, upset, angry, everything all at once.

Why can't boys get a farewell and stay at our home?

I smiled and then I cried, I washed away my tears and made a grinning face for others and later cried again. 

My brain wasn't performing at all and my heart continued to pull a string that hurt me to the core endlessly. Each second I closed my eyes, the teary eyes and sad faces of my parents were all that I could see….

Ma and Papa said that they were leaving me here with Arnav and family, happily. Yet, they said that with tears…

I felt guilty for crying so hard in front of Arnav and his family but at the same time, I couldn't control myself and just smile at everyone…

Our post-wedding rituals including finding the ring hidden in milk were nothing like Arjun-Ahaana's celebration. I sat with a gloomy face trying really hard to keep the tired smile on my face constantly throughout the game. And yet, he didn't let me win…

My husband found it funny to beat me in a simple game no matter how sad I was. I wanted a rematch…

And now standing in the garden, still in my bridal lehenga but held a little up to my ankles my sole focus was on the football before me,

Dear husband, prepare to lose…

My embarrassing sad crying journey was put to an end when Aayansh, Rihaan and Raaha came up with an idea. 

An hour later, still in the same attire each one of us was dressed in for the wedding -girls free from all heavy jewellery and boys free from their turban and shawl- we had tightened the lace of our sneakers and were ready for a game to win under the starry night sky.

We were team Arjun vs team Arnav, and I was in Arjun Bhaiya's team.

I, Arjun, Neil, Rihaan, Aaraadhya, Aashna, Aakaansha and Drake in one team

Arnav, Ahaana, Aarohi, Raaha, Aayansh, Aahan  and Ryder in other

"Do you know what you are doing?" I heard Arjun Bhai from my left, 

My eyes still with precise and undivided attention on the ball I slowly shook my head and muttered,


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