7) Talking Body

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Somo ... He is a male singing goal !

instagram @ bbyitstbd

Daniel ~ Wanna keep you here , because you dry my tears .

Being Daniel's one and only brought many good perks , but then there are always the bad . You get so much hate , it makes you want to isolate yourself and just curl up in a ball and cry your eyes out . But he's always there when you fall and need somebody to cry on and he always pick you up and stand you up again until you fall again . < 3

Kevin ~ Love give me love , anything you want I'll give it up

You and Kevin have a very .. non explainable relationship . You love him too much you'll do anything to keep him in your arms . If it means traveling to one end of the world to another you'll do it . You can't imagine a day without him , that's how much happiness and love he brings to your soul . < 3

Devin ~ Now if we're talking bodies , you got a perfect one so put it on me

Through time and time you would always catch yourself talking about how fat you look, how other girls are perfect compared to you . When you look at Devin , you feel he deserve so much more than your curves and edges . You sometimes feel like just breaking it off because you feel your giving him a bad image , but he wants you to stay because he love you the way you are through flaws and all . < 3


Today was a very longgggggg day .. i like this one though x

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