11) First Fight

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I literally write preferences every night and then post one every single day ... But there is a song on this one !

instagram @ bbyitstbd


Daniel ~ Stress .
You layed on your bed reading one of your favorite books waiting for your boyfriend Daniel to just walk through that door any minute. But these days they were working really hard in rehearsals or the studio. Most likely studio. When you turned the page of your book, your room door flung open sending in an exhausted Daniel. His hair was all straight falling down. You got up and walked over wanting to hug him. "How was your day?" You hugged him as he barely hugged back. You looked up as he dropped his stuff kinda pushing you away. Ouch. "Well um I'm going out to go get dinner, want anything?" You asked grabbing your car keys. "Can you just shut up for once, I just came in and your running off at the mouth again" He faced you with his voice getting louder. You knew he was tired but that doesn't give him the right away "Don't talk to me like that" "Oh what's going to happen? Just go your annoying" You didn't whether to hit him or let your feelings hurt you so you just walked out "While your acting like an ass".

Kevin ~ Assumed cheating .
You took your keys out of the ignition of your car and just sat back just thinking about how your horrible night went. It's 3am in the morning and your guy best friend calls you, he's drunk, stranded somewhere across town so you being the good friend decided to go get him and drive him home. Which meant sneaking out of the bed you and your boyfriend Kevin shared.. You got out of the car and went straight in the house hoping you can just make your way to bed "Where were you?" You heard a familiar voice ask from behind you, since you were frightened you jumped up and turned around seeing it was Kevin "Kev.. you scared me" You sighed nervously. He just stood there looking at you but you came to the conclusion he was sniffing .. "Where were you?" He asked once again with a little anger in his tone. "Across town picking up Dean, he was drunk and stranded" You defended yourself. "Yeah that must be the reason your covered in cologne" You raised your eyebrows "Excuse me?" "Don't play stupid I know Dean, you and Dean had a thing for each other ever since middle school" "That was old okay, I would never cheat on you" He bitterly laughed making this out to be something more "If Dean needed help, why wouldn't he call me and tell me to go get him while he's drunk all the way across town knowing you two had a history..?" "I don't know okay! This was just all a mistake, forget about it!" You shouted "No, the mistake was ever thinking I can be with you" Your eyes started to become blurry through the wetness of tears as your mouth was open a little in shock ... all you could do was push past him leaving your house .

Devin ~ Party .
You sat down tapping your finger on your glass as you watch a lot of people dance and drink all over the room . Devin invited you to one of his close friends party, yet you know no one . He ran off with a group of people some guys , majority girls . Which had you misled for a minute or two . "Hey your Devin's girlfriend right?" A very pretty girl ran up to you barely standing in her heels drinking out of her glass . "Yeah , Y/N" "Well Y/N a bunch of guys are getting tons of lap dances by these every sexy girls, shh don't tell them I told" She slurred laughing . Obviously she's drunk , but obviously your curious to find out who . "One of them is Devin" You stood up placing your full cup down as you placed a piece of hair behind your ear . The thought of him doing something like that is just .. wrong . You knew exactly where they went , the basement . You started making your way down the stairs as the drunk girl followed behind willingly . As you reached the end of the stairs , you saw it , a couple of chairs occupied by boys , watching girls undress themselves  as they dance seductivtively ... "Y/N what are you doing here?" You heard his voice from behind you . "Devin" You turned around stilla shocked but a little attitude is coming out "What are you doing?" You asked crossing your arms feeling a little uncomfortable by the sound of bums being smacked . "Nothing, just having a little fun" Did he just hear himself ? You raised one eyebrow "So you have fun watching half naked girls while I'm upstairs by myself?" You questioned with your voice increasing . Thank goodness the music was playing pretty loudly . "What is your deal?" He huffed "My deal is that your getting body shots and don't care if I know or not. This is so wrong" "What's wrong is that they are giving me more attention and feeling than you, its like you have a busy schedule and i'm the famous one, is anything clicking there?".


Should I post a part two of apologizing and making up .. ? comment below pleaseeee

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