73) What You Don't Like About Him

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how old are some of you guys ?


Daniel ~ Him being jealous.
At first you found it cute whenever he got heated when a guy came over to talk to you, but now he takes his anger out on you which also causes you to get upset. You could be having the most friendly conversation with someone and he'll accuse of you of flirting.

Kevin ~ His jokes.
Yes his jokes are hilarious and he has a big sense of humor but sometimes he can go way to far that he starts to offend people. Mainly you. You never spoke up about it but now it has really started to bother you. It's obvious he hasn't noticed what he's saying.

Devin ~ His messiness.
It's never a day where you are not picking up his stuff. From the bathroom, to your room, to downstairs. It gets you frustrated because as soon as he comes home, you are prepared to pick up something of his. 


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