15) You Get Hate

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Thank you so much for the ones who are continuing to vote and comment , I love you guys :) Song abovee

instagram @ bbyitstbd


Daniel ~ You scrolled through your twitter seeing nothing but hatrid and mean , rude words coming from their fans . Daniel told you that your life would change but you never thought it would get this serious .. you saw one tweet talking about your father who walked out on you and your mother . Tears began to form as they also said to walk out like your father did . "Babe, are you okay?" Daniel walked out of the bathroom looking at you . You threw your phone down and got up pacing back and fourth breathing heavily . He picked up your phone and saw what you read , actually more than what you read . He sighed walking over to you dropping your phone "What did I ever do to them?" You asked facing him as he started to wipe your escaped tears "I never did nothing to them" He pulled you into your chest as you cried . He started rocking you back and fourth humming "It's only a matter a time that they'll realize how much you mean to me and then they will stop acting so mean, just don't pay attention to it" < 3

Kevin ~ You wiped your wet stained face and cleared your puffy eyes . You were actually getting so sick of all the unnecessary hate that you just decided to give them what you want .. leave Kevin . You thought it would be for the best . You ran out grabbing your bag and phone and started heading downstairs before Kevin got back , but it was too late . "Y/N I got some pizza, it's yummy" He laughed closing the door as you just got down from the last step . He put the pizza down to face you and your fully loaded bag "W-where are you going?" He asked emotionless scratching his head , you couldn't control it . The tears started coming down again "Baby what's wrong?" He rushed to you hugging you as you hugged back "I can't take it no more, the hate get worse and worse and it just hurts" You pulled back as he wiped his thumb on your tears "And you were going to leave me?" He asked looking in your eyes as you felt so disgraced . "I love you too much to let them win this fight, your staying here to let them know your not going anywhere and thats final" < 3

Devin ~ You smiled seeing Devin's post on instagram , it was a video of you two playing around singing the hills as he was behind you . His arms linked around your neck as you touched his arms laughing . You were about to comment after you liked but you saw that the comments were increasing and increasing but they weren't good .. She looks so ugly , fat , Devin can do so much better tbh . You locked your phone and got up heading towards your mirror feeling hurt . You looked at yourself placing a piece of hair behind your ear pointing out what they were talking about "I am ugly and fat" You spoke with your voice cracking . They have officially got to you "No your not" Devin walked towards you unexpectedly "Don't read those comments because their jealous I can't do this" He pulled you in for a hug "Or this" He kissed your forehead "Or this" He lifted you up as your legs wrapped around his waist smiling a little "Don't let them get to you" < 3


If any of guys are being bullied or was once teased or picked on just know your not alone and you can push through it . Don't do something you'll regret , show people you are so much more than what they make you out to be . Only you can prove to them that your somebody . I love all of you and if your being hated for something you can't change then have a smile on your beautiful face as you ignore the ignorance and bitterness of others . Your special to someone out there :)

I just had a moment , I'm so sorry lol but it's true

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