85) Abortion

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a/n - I hate abortions (no offense to those who have gotten one!) but it's a life that was taken away before it could get a glimpse at the world or even their own mother. i love babies, they're so adorable:))


Daniel ~ "We can't have a child, you know that right?" He questioned you as you sat on the other side of the bed wiping a tear away from your face "Yeah... but there are other solutions such as foster care"
You looked at him as he just began to stare into blank space "Baby we can't-" You placed your head down trying to stop other tears "I have a job, a reputation and we are not even 20 yet, what will they all think?"
You looked up crying thinking about what you're about to do to the growing one in your stomach. You knew you couldn't keep or have this baby..
You started to whisper to your belly while you rubbed it..
"I'm so sorry"

Kevin ~ You walked downstairs heading to your living room while Kevin closely followed you, "Abortion? When were you going to tell me?" He asked grabbing your arm turning you around. "I'm not ready for a child Kevin, even if we are doing good right now I'm still not ready for a baby"
It hurt you to see him reacting that way because he really wants the baby regardless of anything but your simply not ready. "This is my child also, you can't do this" "This is my body, so I can do what I want when I please with it. We can have a kid later on but not now"
He didn't even say anything. He just bitterly laughed rubbing his head and walked away going out the front door.

Devin ~ "Hey baby.." You started as you began to leave a voicemail on Devin's phone. He was performing right now so of course he didn't answer. "I was just calling to tell you some news that you will not like at all and you might hate me for this which I won't blame you. But I decided to have an abortion" You felt and beard your voice crack. "I'm trying to finish up my masters degree and your always gone to another city and there just won't be time for a baby. Not now. I hope you can forgive me for this. I also hope you had a good show, love you" You hung up quickly wiping away tears and trying to stop sobbing.
"Please don't hate me"


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