please read :)

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hey guys once again ..

ik i said i'll stop with the author notes for awhile but this isn't a note based on preferences or anything. this is based on our society today.

you can go ahead and skip if you don't want to read what i'm about to say but its truly heartbreaking and sad seeing the violence, the shooting, and even hearing about a black man being hanged.

at first i thought it was just north carolina because now it's a lot of intolerable violence but now i see it's all over. those families who have lost a loved one, not even by the police, but in general.. im sorry and i hope everything have gotten better. life is way to short to be arguing, killing, and being evil towards one another.

i lost a very close friend to me a few months ago, its crazy because we actually dated and now i feel complete distraught when i think about him because we always known each other. but a simple act of violence took his life away at 16 years old. that's not a long time.

all i'm saying is that their should be no time to have enemies and for you to be online arguing with another person. there are more and more killings everyday and it's sad because that could've been one of us on the screen while everyone else is saying rest in peace. cherish and thank God for the ones you still have today and live every moment you can being positive.

#blacklivesmatter and so does everyone else's < 3


i'll be updating tonight also.

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