8) You Leave Your Phone Around Him

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Hey cuties ! A lot have been ,happening lately , I got accepted to a performing arts school so i'm excited about that :)) Thank you guys for voting and/or commenting , if you haven't then I still thank you !

instagram @ bbyitstbd


Daniel ~ You weren't the complicated type to be creative enough to come up with a complicated password . Therefore when you left to go the bathroom , Daniel cracked your code , '0000' creative huh ? He went straight to your twitter and went to work . < 3

Kevin ~ As you were sound asleep in your boyfriend Kevin's bed , he grabbed your phone off your charger and used your fingerprint passcode and was able to get through . He just went to snapchat . He did a dozen videos and pictures of you sleeping and him goofing around . < 3

Devin ~ You were in the kitchen looking for a snack in your pantry , as Devin sat in the family room trying to get through your phone . But he didn't know the passcode , nor could he think of it . So out of frustration of trying and failing , he took multiple of selfies just doing anything . Biting his lip , playing with his hair , smiling , making himself laugh , or even shirt up . < 3


Would you rather want your twitter to be hacked ? Have videos of you up out cold ? Or have a lot of selfies in your phone ?

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