please read :)

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okay so like right now i am on my way to practice and i'm like ...
completely shocked and at awe -

i'm just not pointing out various ones but i'm pointing out everyone who are reading my preferences and Brec story , you guys are truly amazing and always make my day without even trying

on instagram i used to always admire certain accounts such as @ tbd.concerts , @ courtt.conroy , and so many people such as Skylar and lots of others and now that i see them actually voting and commenting and following Brec and I on instagram is somewhat mind blowing to me

this may seem so cliche' and your probably asking yourself why are you reading this >>> but this a huge thank you note to all of you who is reading this . I love you guys so much !

I will be updating as soon as possible now without a doubt and Brec will also ..

{ she told me she will update every five votes }

From Brec and I < 3

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