imagine for lizakoshyy

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i'm starting the imagine spree now :) so if you commented yesterday for you, just wait patiently please.
also i read my earliest preferences and i was so open in the beginning notes i sounded dumb lowkey lol but never mind that...
dedicated to @lizakoshyy


The door flung open due to you pushing it wide open storming in obviously upset at something. That something was your very over protective boyfriend Devin..

"So your mad because I pushed him away from you? He closed the front door as you turned around throwing your hand bag on the coffee table. "After you pushed him, you literally punched him and slammed him on the ground only to get on top of him and continue to punch him"

Your voice grew louder as you turned around preparing to go upstairs. "He was disrespecting you" He defended "He asked for a dance, that I was gladly going to deny" You turned around once again on the stairs.

You seen it on his face that he was ticked off but so were you. He caused a scene for no reason "You can't even say sorry can you?" You asked him laughing a little "For what?"

You laughed a little bit more
"Hope you have fun sleeping on the couch tonight, maybe you could punch the pillows into some sense on how softer they need to be".
With that you turned around going upstairs to the room you and Devin shared, but it was yours for the night. You felt bad for that guy.. terribly bad.

Once you reached your room you walked inside of your bathroom and began to run bath water. After you got it started you started to undress and just wished for the stress to go away.


Hours later you were sound asleep in your bed comfortable wearing one of Devin shirts.


Your eyes quickly opened hearing the thundering and seeing the lightning flashes through your window. "Devin"
You sat up looking behind you not seeing him anywhere in the bed. "I did kick him out".
You are not very fond with thunderstorms and never will. The crackling sound makes it seems like something is breaking outside and it scares you.

You heard the sound again but way louder causing you to get up and hurry out of your room and go downstairs.

The only light there was, was coming through the windows and it was a dark blue color with a few black shadows in it. Once you were downstairs you slowly crept towards Devin who only had on basketball shorts.
"Scared of a little storm?" He asked. You could tell he was smiling. "Shut up"

He moved over giving you enough space to lay beside him which you did. His arms then wrapped themselves around your waist and your head snuggled into his chest.

"I'm sorry"
You heard him whisper and you looked up to meet with his big eyes.
"It's fine Dev, forget about it"

"No it's not, I should have let you speak for yourself instead of me placing my hands on him and causing a scene there. "I'm sorry"

A smile started to curve at your lips "Apology accepted" You gave him a quick kiss but immediately after he grabbed your butt squeezing it causing you to gasp.

"But don't think I'm not going to let you get away with what you wore tonight"

Before you could even process what he had said he moved your body on top of him as he sat up. He attacked your lips and that started a very heated moment.

His hands traveling all over your body as your hands pulled on his hair. Soon his kisses started to lead from your lips to your neck going straight to your sweet spot and moans escaped from your mouth.

Love bites were now being performed as his hands got a hold of the shirt you were wearing and pulled it off.
He bit his bottom lip staring at your body for a quick second then his hands started to undo your bra as you started to kiss him again.

You felt your bra unsnap and he took it off not stopping the kiss.
You broke the kiss and moved aside to pull of his shorts only to reveal his hardened member.
A smile crept to your face looking back at him but before you knew it he pushed you down and climbed on top of you resuming what you paused.

He attacked your neck again now pulling down your panties.
You moaned as your hands played with his hair.
Now you were naked and a couple of seconds later his boxes came off and so was he.

But before he entered you he stopped and looked at you moving little strands of hair out of your face.
"Your beautiful"

You smiled
"So are you"

He smirked and when he went in to kiss your forehead that's when he inserted into you and that was the beginning to an amazing night.


i hoped you loves liked it, please comment if you did lol.

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