84) Father and Daughter Fights

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a/n - happy Thursday guys , I'm thinking about sending the imagines personally through dm so keep posted on that if you requested one :)


Daniel ~ "Don't ever bring him into my house again and you can't see him anymore!" Daniel shouted at your 16 year old daughter who thought it was okay to bring her boyfriend for dinner which you didn't mind but Daniel disapproved. During the meal her boyfriend thought it was okay to make certain dirty jokes at the table which ended things very fast. "This isn't fair and you know it, why do you got to ruin everything?" She scoffed walking upstairs. You just sat on the couch eating a little candy in your hand "Since I'm ruining everything how about I make it worse? Phone in your mother and I room now"
You could hear her door shut while Daniel started walking towards the couch to you sighing nodding his head. "You know you don't have to be so hard on her" You supposed as he sat beside you placing his hand on your thigh "Did you not see or hear anything he said?" "I did but she's learning, just how we both had to learn who was not right for us. Give her time, our daughter is way too smart"

Kevin ~ You picked up your two year old and walked down the hall to where your husband, Kevin, and your fourteen year old daughter was arguing. "It's not even that serious" She responded clearly frustrated "A police officer bringing you home isn't that serious? You snuck into your school with those so called friends of yours, for what?"
You stepped behind Kevin just letting him handle it. You were so tired and exhausted you couldn't stomach the thought. "Just to do something fun" She turned her head rolling her eyes. Normally Kevin is the fun dad, but don't push him. "How about lets go try something new of where my belt come across your skin?"
"Mom!" She called your name expecting you to do something "Babe just let her be, if she wants to get expelled then so be it. But just know we won't be raising a child who perform actions like this and I mean it. Your brother is watching everything you say and do and if this is the example you want to set for him? You won't be classified as a good sister/daughter in my book. Next time this happens I won't come to your rescue and I mean it. Your grounded until further notice and if I see or hear anything about your friends from you, you will continue to extend it"

Devin ~ "There is a video of you doing drugs and your saying it's not what it looks like?" His voice grew louder while slamming his phone down on the island in the kitchen. "What do you want me to say, I said I was sorry". You would say something but Devin keeps cutting you off and making sure you don't say anything because he knows how you like to sugar coat everything. "It's not even just 'sorry', you can slowly ruin your life by this, don't they teach y'all anything in school? And who is this boy your sitting on?"
She quietly mumbled. "Who?" He stepped closer. "A friend okay. Nothing more"
He deeply sighed scratching the back of his head "I-i don't know what to say, I expected better from you.... Just go to your room"
Your 15 year old daughter walked away with her head down heading up to her room. "I don't know what to do" He turned to face you sitting down as you got up walking towards him. "And that's not bad, you just don't want her going down that road" You started rubbing on his back as he placed his head on your shoulder.


comment your favorite !

qotd - what have you got in the most trouble for ?
me - idk i got in trouble so much lolol

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