17) Cooking Mishaps

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Goodmorning loves ! I have been up ever since 10 and I'm so sleep and exhausted but I can't sleep .. enjoy ! Song above also .

instagram @ bbyitstbd


Daniel ~ "Danny can you pass me the noodles?" You asked as you looked at the boiling water on the stove . Daniel threw the empty box over your head and landed on the counter . You picked it up "Where are the noodles?" You turned around facing your infamous boyfriend . His back was facing towards you but as soon as you touched his shoulder he turned around having the hard noodles sticking out of his ears and mouth . "Oh my gosh" You looked at him as he posed gracefully "Am I beautiful yet?". < 3

Kevin ~ "Why are we making Shari a cake, can't she make it on her own?" Kevin complained as you guys brought the groceries into the kitchen . You walked over to the cabinet pulling out a large bowl out "Its for her party, and its your sister babe" You sat the bowl down as he groaned "Stop complaining, it's unattractive" you smirked looking at the bowl . You started running the sink water about to wash the bowl out until you feel a big pillow of flour brush against the side of your face .. being followed by a dying laugh of Kevin . "Kevin! Why would yo-" He cut you off "Don't complain, it's unattractive" < 3

Devin ~ You closed the oven as you checked on your home made pizza . You bought it , while Devin placed the sauce and toppings on it . "I give it about five minutes" You let your hair out of your messy bun as you walked inside of your living room seeing Devin playing a basketball game . "We're a good team" He joked pausing it as you sat down beside him crossing your legs on the couch . He started rubbing your leg as he kissed you softly pulling away a little quickly . You kissed him again and things started to get really heated between you two . A couple of minutes passed and now he was on top of you shirtless , still making out . You pulled away and so did he "I smell burning" You both announced in unison . < 3


Why did I say goodmorning ... its one ....

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