46) First Time Saying 'I Love You'

3.1K 99 7

Idea inspired by the beautiful @gordalveda :))) Also can you guys also go vote for Chapter seven on Brec's story ? It would mean so much , tysm !

instagram : @ bbyitstbd


Daniel ~ It was a rainy day and you two were just in the house laying down in your room peacefully on your phones , until Daniel decided to break air . "You are disgusting" You sat up throwing a pillow at him . He laughed catching the pillow and you got up wanting to get away "Come back" He started to laugh harder causing you to start laughing "No get away from me"
You started to run out of your room and he began to chase you through the house . He was way faster than you without a doubt but some how you were managing . You ran through the kitchen , the living room , everywhere in this house . You didn't have no other option .. You ran towards the front door hearing him closely behind and opened it running outside in the rain "Baby it's raining" His voice cracked a little as you stood right there walking as he stood at the door watching you . You have a love for rain , you don't know why but you do . "If you want me, then come get me" You looked at him feeling your body getting more and more soaked . He groaned stepping out and soon he was getting wet and you smiled watching him walk over "I'm going to get you for this" "Sure you are" Suddenly he smashed his lips onto yours pulling your body closer to his . You never kissed in the rain before . He pulled back still holding you "I love you" . < 3

Kevin ~ You were at a bomb digz performance preparing to watch your boyfriend perform on stage . The crowd was really full and you couldn't help but notice a couple of girls wearing their gizzy shirts which brought a smile on your lips . "Hey" Devin walked up to you catching you a little off guard "Hey" "Have you seen Kev? We're going on in ten-" He was cut off from the stage director walking around "Five minutes till show boys" : "Well five minutes now and he's nowhere to be found" You turned your head knowing this isn't like him . He's always around when he's about to perform especially to make himself known to their fans . "I'll go looking around" You left from Devin and walked past other people looking for him . You had no idea where he could be . You walked down stairs that led to the bottom level where they kept the mics and other items . "Come on come on" You heard a similar voice sounding a bit frustrated "Kevin?" You turned a corner and saw him near the back door pacing back and fourth "The show is about to start and they are looking for you" He faced you with the most shocked eyes "I can't do this" "Do what?" "Perform" You were shocked yourself especially hearing that from him "It's too many people out there and what if I mess up or sing a wrong lyric" He procrastinated beating himself up "Your not okay" You grabbed his hands "Those girls are waiting to see the bomb digz, you are apart of that. Your not going to mess up or sing the wrong lyric because you love doing this. Every known singer or dancer or whatever messed up some point in their lives and you see where they are now. Beyonce fell at her show a couple of years ago and got right back up and still gave her all" He smiled "So you want me to be Beyonce" He joked as you looked at him . He kissed you softly and quickly and started walking back and you watched him . He turned around seeing you "I love you" . < 3

Devin ~ You and your boyfriend Devin were on a regular date just grabbing some ice cream and sitting down just talk about anything . "That was my cherry" You looked at the cherry he took off of your ice cream and placed it in his mouth holding the stem "I heard that if you tie this with your tongue your a really good tongue kisser" He winked at you making you blush a little and laugh at the same time "Your not going to try" "Watch me" He placed it in his mouth and started to try his hardest as you watched just knowing he wasn't going to try it "Oh my gosh, your Devin from the bomb digz" A girl ran up placing a piece of hair behind her ear . Your guessing she's a fan . He nodded his head still trying to tie you which caused you to mentally slap yourself "He's trying to attempt something stupid, I'm sorry" You apologized for him "It's not stupid, it's a challenge" He spoke back smirking a little "Are you his girlfriend?" He announced it a couple of weeks ago "Yeah" "You don't look like girlfriend material" She raised her eyebrows as you did the same . He told you to just ignore ignorant comments like that . Devin pulled the stem out and it was perfectly tied , he placed it on your napkin as you looked at it "You can leave now, me and my girlfriend are on a date and I'm pretty sure she don't want to be bothered with people like you" He said girlfriend pretty loudly . He never defended you infront of a fan like that . She scoffed and walked away leaving you two "She was a fan you didn't have to push her away" "She disrespected you and I'm tired of them thinking they can treat you like that" You looked down at the tied cherry stem "You still didn't have too" "Well I did and it wasn't easy but I love you" . < 3


IM LITERALLY SO CLOSE TO 1K like 6 more votes until 1K and I'm so excited along with the fact I have a scrimmage tomorrow , wish me luck !

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