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Hey loves!

This November will mark two years since I have ended this preference/imagine book and I was shocked because I didn't know it was that long ago that I was interacting with you guys and creating preferences. 

Long story short, I want to become active again. 

I want to start making imagines again so all you have to do if you want one;

1. Leave your name below. 

2. What TBD boy you want in it of course.

3. Your hair color, eye color, and age. 

4. Explicit or Non Explicit. 

I really do miss writing haha. 

Also if you haven't noticed, I updated Ordinary my Daniel story. Chapter forty nine is now up. If you haven't read that, go do that please and vote/comment. It would really mean a lot! 

The Bomb Digz PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now