29) Fill Me In

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If you guys don't know this song just listen to it above , it's Pia Mia ft Austin Mahone:)) Its a really good song !

instagram @ bbyitstbd


Daniel ~ All calls diverted to answer phone , please leave a message after the tone

Daniel and you never really had any alone time anymore . Meetings , shows , parties , gatherings were all back to back and common . You two never really had a love life anymore . But when everything just come to a pause , you two enjoy each other blocking out the world because it's only you two right now . < 3

Kevin ~ Why were you creeping out late last night ? Why did I see two shadows moving in your bedroom light ?

You and Kevin were really two kids who were just in love . Deeply . Your actions got you in trouble most of the time because you weren't thinking at the time . Everyone tried to seperate you two but it didn't work , you had to see each other . Not caring of what would happen next . < 3

Devin ~ Out with the girls but leaving with the boy next door . Can you fill me in ?

Your parents really had complete control over your life . Including you should start seeing and date . But when they met Devin no way they were giving you the go , they wanted better but it couldn't get better . Excuses and lies were building up just so you could see him for a second or two .. he started to become apart of your life that had to be hidden . < 3

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