62) You're Pregnant (Devin Pt.1)

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I don't know how many times I have said sorry for not updating but once again .. I'm sorry. I've been gone for a very good reason ! I have been trying to focus on my grades in school because being a Sophomore in high school you will need a certain amount of credits to be a Junior and honestly I've never slacked so much in my entire life. I was always a A student and now that I have caught back up , I'm ready to start to rolling again :) I also TEMPORARILY closed my instagram account because that was a huge distraction but I'm going to activate it again.  


One Month Later 

You're mouth moved up and down as you tried to swallow bits of an orange. 

Lately you've been feeling a lot sick than usual and it's really starting to become noticeable to all you're friends. You're not going out like you always do and you're always crouched in front of a toilet because you can barely keep food down. 

You swallowed the piece just thinking about if you could be .. 

"I'm here" You're sister came in rushing with all kinds of medicines in a Walgreen's bag. You shook you're head slowly just looking at her place everything down "What is all this stuff?" You asked grabbing a book. "You're relief, mom told me to just buy you the basics but I bought you what you really need" 

She rambled through her purse once her phone started to ring. You looked down at the book and you're eyes widened at just the thought "How to know if your pregnant?" You read the title out loud standing up. After her phone stopped ringing, she gave up in frustration. "Yes Y/N for all we know you could have slept around with any guys here or... when you and Y/F/N went to New York last month" 

No......  The party. 


You turned around walking towards his bedroom door touching his door knob. You turned around looking at his smirking face "I'll see you around"

You sat there looking in awe at what you probably have done.

He used protection! Or did he not ..?

"Y/N" You sister said you're name catching you're attention. "Yes" "Go take the test now.. please?" She handed you the test as you sighed getting up. 

It wasn't one of those irritated sighs, it was more of a nervous one. Thoughts flooded you're mind as you walked into the bathroom. You couldn't be pregnant.. You don't sleep around with just anybody and that night at that party was a mistake. A very pleasurable mistake. 

You already have used the bathroom and just sat there beating yourself up. All you could think about was what would happen if you do have a child and then they ask where is their father.. "Stupid,stupid,stupid" You whispered to yourself while you caved you're face in you're hands. 

It must have been awhile because you're sister knocked on the door softly "Y/N are you okay". 

You lifted up you're head and noticed that you're hands were wet. You didn't notice you were crying.

"Yeah I'm fine"

You looked over and saw the test, the results had to come back already. "Okay" You sighed lowly becoming more and more scared of the results.

You're hand was shaking the whole time even after you grabbed it "Please no" You shut you're eyes as you placed it right in front of you.

You opened you're eyes feeling you're stomach drop to the ground.

"I'm pregnant"


Please comment down below and vote please :)) I felt like this was really horrible .. But please give feedback !!

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