6. The Ship

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I run down and stand by a car. I am so excited. I'm going to get to drive and see where my compass points.

Alden runs out of a side door. "Time to go. Get in."

I jump in the passenger seat and off we go.

He drives for an hour and tells me what all the signs mean. Then he stops at a little store.

We change spots and I jump up and down 20 times. I can not stop.

He smiles and gives me a little kiss. "Drive for a bit baby."

I smile so big and jump in the drivers seat. He checks the compass and points me in the right direction. 

"Remember to look both ways before you pull out."

I do everything he says and pull out slow. Then I take off slow. I get up to about 20 miles an hour and I sit there smiling and driving. I drive for about 2 hours. He is talking to people on his phone mostly. But points stuff out to me every now and then.

All of a sudden a big black car starts driving behind me. Then another 1 passes me and stops in front of me. I stop and Alden looks up over his phone.

Victor walks back to his window. "Everyone's getting hungry man."

"You couldn't have texted that?"

"This was faster."

I check at the cars and wonder who all everyone is... I thought it was only going to be us.

"Fine. Slide over here baby. I need to find somewhere to eat and stay tonight. You can drive again tomorrow." I jump over and Alden checks his phone for awhile then takes off driving again.

He stops in a parking lot of somewhere and Victor and Clark get out of 1 limo and 8 guards get out of another. After everyone eats they find us an inn. Alden gets us our own room for the night.

He pulls me down on his lap in the chair. "Why you so quiet baby?"

"I'm just tired."

"You sure?"

I snuggle into him and nod. At least I still get to see where my compass points. Then I look around and freak out a bit. I forgot pajama's and there's only 1 bed.

"Alright, let's go to bed before you fall asleep here." He puts me on my feet and stands up.

I freeze solid. I have no idea what to do. Maybe I could steal the car and drive back. But I don't know where to go.

He smirks at me. Then he unbuttons his shirt. My eyes are glued to him. I can't even make my brain make sense. He tosses it over the chair and pulls his white t-shirt over his head. He is so sexy. He hands me his t-shirt.

"Go put that on to sleep in baby."

I nod and watch him unhook his belt.


I peek up at him quick and he is starting to laugh. "I'm going to sleep in my underwear, are you ok with that?"

"Yea that's fine."

"Ok go put that on."

I smile at his shirt in my hands. "Sorry, it was the whole towel thing all over again." I take off for the bathroom.

He cracks up laughing.

A few minutes later, I come out with his t-shirt on. He's sitting on the side of the bed checking his phone. He looks up at me and his eyes go pure black.

I check myself and wonder why. This is like the least sexiest thing I could ever wear. It's comfortable though. I won't complain.

He tries to put his phone on the table and misses. He doesn't notice though. He's staring at me this time.

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