8. Throne Room

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I stare at someone who looks just like me, other than her skin is lighter. She is staring right back at me. I don't know how long we stand here. But the boys at the table all start laughing and it breaks us both out of the trance.

I shake my head. "You look like me."

"No, you look like me."

"I looked like me first."

"No I was me first."

"No, I was."

"How old are you?"


"Damn, you were first." She glares at the boys. "Why do we look alike?"

"Dragons are sisters baby. They said there are 4 of you total. But they don't know if the other 2 are living. All of you have different skin colors but identical in appearance other than that."

Maddie jumps back up. "CAN YOU DO THE MARKING SPEECH NOW?"

Alden shakes his head. "Later."

She slams herself back down. "FINE."

Nadine puts an eyebrow up. "My dragon is confused. How are you a teenager at 915?"

"I'm not. My dragon likes drama. How's the ship doing?"

Their AI answers, "It has sustained heavy water damage."

I smile at her. "Don't park your ship in the ocean."

"I'll remember that. Thank you." Then she motions to Alden. "Have a seat, let's talk."

I go over and sit down by him. I will not look at him though. I know he's pissed.

She smiles at me. "So tell me about yourself."

I shake my head fast. "I don't want too." I glance at Maddie. "You go."

Maddie stands up. "I was a servant. Then Clark found me a few months ago. He's my mate. Now I'm an advisors wife." She sits back down.

"Maddie is my sister. We were servants of the castle together. I guess now I'm Clark's sister in law. I don't think I'm a servant anymore though. They stopped telling me to do stuff anyways. And now I have an apartment in the castle."

Clark raises his hand. "I'm Clark. Hello." He goes back to writing stuff down.

Everyone laughs for a second.

Dipak stands up. "Anyone who doesn't want to hear my next speech should go find something else to do." I jump up and my hand shoots up. "Yes Mayra."

"Can I have some money?"

A man half way down the table cracks up laughing. "There really are 2. You better lock that drawer Dipak." Then they all start laughing.

Another 1 smiles at me. "Why do want money?"

"Food. I want to go to the village and eat. I'm hungry. But my money is no good here."

Nadine stands up. "Actually, deliver everyone lunch here. Me and Mayra can eat in my office."

Maggie puts her hand up. "Can I come too? I don't want to hear the sex talk."

"Sex talk?" I sit back down.

"No. Come on. We'll talk about clothes and get you 2 out of those blankets."

"That sounds like a good idea." I follow the 2 of them out. We only go down 1 level and that's where her office is. We sit down at the conference table and get some food put down in front of us. I dig right in.

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