12. Home

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I wake up with everyone screaming and cheering. There's a big rock golem in the box and a tidal wave knocks him on his ass. Then a fire meteorite slams down on him. He explodes all over the box. Alden starts rubbing my arms. I cuddle right into his chest. Then I wake up with them cheering again. The box comes down around the game area and we're all hit with a massive amount of sand this time. We all stand up and shake off.

"This is another thing the newer versions of the game safe guard against. 1 minute and I will have the sand storm stopped."

I stretch big and Alden picks me up. I wrap around him and snuggle. 

"You ready to get some dinner baby?"


Dipak comes up to us, "We ended the game. Everyone is getting hungry. I want 1 of these games though."

Alden snuggles me and pats my butt, "Yea, they can help a lot with battle magic or even putting people in weird spots and forcing them to think their way out."

He nods, "Using their own skills even."

"I think they are 100k. I'll have to check. They usually have to be ordered but every now and then 1 will be ready to buy. You don't want 1 this old, the new style has safe guards so the magic is neutralized before the box opens." They both laugh.

"Yea I don't know if getting hit with a sand storm or a blizzard was worse."

Alden motions for a servant, "Set up the ballroom for dinner. Everyone can eat in here. The game is done."

"Yes sir."

Jenny speaks over everyone again, "Thank you everyone. The game is over. I hope you enjoyed it. The game is calculating points to see who won. I have been informed that dinner will be served in here, please feel free to grab a seat as soon as the servants set it up. Red team won the game."

Dipak walks over to a different servant, "See if you can get a new game like this. They want 1. See how much it is as well."

"Yes sir."

Then he goes up to the head table and sits with me on straddling his lap. I snuggle and try to wake up a bit.

Tre comes up and smiles at me, "Someone is still sleepy."

"Yea she is."

"We need 1 of these games though. They are so fun."

"I sent a servant out to check on the prices of a new 1. She should know by after dinner."

"Thank you."

"My pleasure."

Alden kisses my head after he walks off, "Everyone loves your game baby."

I nod fast, "Daddy got it for me so I could practice. Nobody ever played with me though. I only ever played it by myself. I never got to try the war part." I shrug my shoulders, "But I loved it anyways. It's fun to fight golems and wolves and anything really."

"Yea there was a lot to it. Nobody played with you?"

"No. I loved that game."

"It is fun." he rubs my back and hugs me.

I move over to my seat as the food gets delivered. Halfway threw dinner Nadine stabs Tye and has a breakdown. Marcus starts yelling about not stabbing Tye. Then a servant comes in carrying a big bag. She sits it down by Alden. "They want 125k sir." Clark roams out with her and Dipak.

I end up falling asleep again. I wake up when Alden is making me sit up. Dipak, Marcus, and Mason are all shaking hands with Alden and Clark. They are thanking them for allowing the visit. I guess they're leaving. I stretch a bit and I must fall back asleep. I wake up about 2am with Alden in bed.

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