47. Rights and Laws

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I go in the half circle or oval building and smile. Time for work meeting. I jump up and down on the floor in the middle of the oval. Tre comes in and starts laughing, "They were placing bets on which 1 of us would get in here first."


He laughs and goes up to his spot.

Mason comes in, "Who was first? I missed it."

"She was."

"Damn Tre, you cost me 1k."

"Sorry. She's on it."

Other people start coming in after about 10 minutes. I wiggle all over. The seats fill in fairly quickly. I can really see why assigned seating was a good idea now. The nopinos are in raised seats and desks. The huge men are in bigger stuff. This would not have worked any other way. Everyone gets seated and the brain tells me everyone is here. Alden is sitting up in the balcony. I peek at him and he winks at me. I guess I can start.

I stand on the floor in the middle of the circle, "Welcome everyone. This is the first planetary commissioners meeting. Within these walls rights, laws, liberties, trades, anything you want, can and will be discussed. I am going to take the first half of today and go over the individual rights list. There will be time for questions after I am done talking. If you interrupt me to many times, I will get mad. Both thrones have agreed to these rights. They are not going to be disputed. That being said, I want to explain a word first. That is human. Human is what I am. Therefore, I have a tendency to call all other intelligent life human. The word humanoid has also been used to describe intelligent life. Now that being said, when the words human, humanoid, or intelligent life are used, they are speaking about all intelligent life. I will make every attempt to not call everyone human but if it does sneak out, I am talking about intelligent life and not only humans. Questions or comments?"

Maulk stands up, "We are Nopinus. Intelligent life." I smile at him.

"We are Rockrus."




They seem to be done. "We go by many names. But we are all intelligent life regardless of the name we give ourselves. The rights I am about to read, include you, me, and every single individual intelligent lifeform on your planet. Questions?"

Someone stands up, "Can you define intelligent lifeform please."

"Intelligent lifeforms will have the ability to communicate. They are able to use tools. They are able to learn. They are self aware. They are able to act based on judgments they make. They can imagine. What would you be doing right now if you weren't here?.. You all imagined it, you thought about it. They can reason. Did that clear it up?"

"Yes. Thank you ma'am."

Uhmok smiles and puts his finger up.

"Go ahead."

"How do you know when you come across intelligent life?"

"Sometimes it's easy. I come up to a planet with a big shield around it." They all chuckle. I smirk, "That's going to have intelligent life behind it. Sometimes I get a transmission right away telling me to leave," I get more laughs, "Yes, that's very clear communication. Other times it's something simple like a pair of shoes. If the lifeform is able to make a pair of shoes for their own feet. That is self aware. I know then I need to check into that further. Are they able to communicate with judgment? I go from there. Other questions?"

Tre shakes his head, "Right 1."

"Again the rights are for all intelligent life. Number 1. Right to life. They have the right to live and not be killed by another intelligent life."

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