32. Missions

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We wake up to warships flying around outside the window again.

"I guess it's time to get up and corral the kids."

I start laughing. I can't help it. That was funny. We get to the command area and Elroy is sitting there with the headset on. But Johen is with him.

"Good morning boys." I put a headset on so I can hear.

"Can we fire these at the moon?"

Elroy laughs, "No. No firing here. To close to a planet with humans." Then he smirks at me. "All they want to do is fire the rockets."

"Whose out there?"

"All of Nadine's kings except Johen. He wanted to see in here. Kane. Gunner. And every single 1 of our people except you, me, and Alden. They all want to shoot. Your parents are down on the planet."

"I'll give them what they want then."

"What you thinking baby?"

"Bring the warships in and move us to the next planet over. Line them up and let them get rid of the rockets. Then I want to test the shields on them anyways. Let them play a little game with the lasers then bring them back."

"I'M DOING THAT." Alden takes off running.

"ME TOO." Johen takes off after him.

I nod. "It's always us to do this part."

Elroy smirks, "AI Return all warships to the ship and get ready for hyperspace jump. Leave them in the warships though."

"Give Alden and Johen a warship as well. Once the room is sealed."

"As soon as it's sealed jump into hyperspace and get us to Mars."

"Yes sir."

"Are they all in my ships?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good. I don't want anyone left out there alone."

"All warships returned. Airlock in 30 seconds. Alden and Johen will then be granted access to a warship."

"Great, let us know when they're locked in."

Elroy pushes something on the screen, "How many hits from the lasers should the shield be able to take?"

"Approximately 50."

"That'll be alright. We'll have to bring them in at 30% though. We don't want 1 failing at the last minute."

"Good plan. And I want them to send the rockets first. I don't want rockets on them when they're getting shot at. End up having 1 detonate on accident."


"Alden and Johen are locked in ship and airlock is complete. Jumping to hyperspace now. Arrival in 4 seconds." We both laugh at the ship, "We are at the destination. Airlock in 2 minutes and 30 seconds."

I hit the green button. "Good morning ladies and gentlemen, this is your command speaking. Allow me to welcome you to Mars. This planet is not inhabited by humans." My people start cheering. I have to stop, I start laughing.

Elroy smiles, "Rules are the same as always. You will not engage or lock weapons on each other or this ship. Anyone not following these rules will be returned to the ship. It's going to take a few minutes for everyone to get out. So entertain yourselves for a couple minutes. Then you will be given missions by command. Complete your missions to continue on. Anyone not listening will be returned to the ship."

"And keep in mind that you are in a high speed weapon of war. Do not hit each other with them. Do not hit my ship with them." My people start laughing again. I shake my head. "10 seconds."

The Lost QueenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang