67. Recovery

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We get to the front of Dipak's castle and Urie wakes up running in circles. We start climbing out.

Tye stands up, "Nap times over and apparently it was a very good 30 minute nap."


"Over here little man."

We all get out and I put Urijah on his feet. He walks the 10 steps to Elek. Elek scoops him up, "You're so big now."

Mason looks at him, "That boy will not lose you."

Elek smiles, "To many new people here."

Marcus nods, "He feels safe with Elek. He doesn't know us. Let's go up to the office."

20 minutes later we're all sitting around the conference table. I'm sitting beside Alden on our side.

Dipak looks at everyone from the end of the table. "We're making this quick and closing it. Me and Alden tied our souls to Nadine's jewelry at the ball. When we got there she was with Urijah. She got away from us.." I raise my hand.


"Are we skipping the part where you got your asses kicked by nuns?"


The whole table starts laughing.

Marcus smiles, "Please share. We were not given this information."

Dipak shakes his head and smirks, "Fine. We were both in shock when we seen her with Urie. Even the dragons were in shock. Then 2 nuns snuck up behind us and hit us on the heads with bibles."

They all laugh so damn hard.


I put Urie on the ground and crawls over to Tye. 

Tye peeks at him, "Raaaaar."

"AAHHHH" He screams and runs in fear. I jump up but he goes right to Alden.

Alden scoops him up, "You're alright."

Tobias shakes his head, "Don't scare him ass."

"I didn't mean it."

Alden sits Urie on his lap and Urie starts rearranging all his papers.

Dipak nods, "After she got away. We got the code she used with the brains to escape, code book transport, out of the nuns. We then tracked down the transport ship. She was already gone and the earth money was gone. We then came back here and started the search in disguises. They were found by Tobias and Tye at a festival, 2 weeks and 5 days later. They found her house and summoned us there. We then surrounded and retrieved her and the child." 

"WHERE IS MY GRANDBABY?" Momma runs in threw the elevator.

Her and Urie stare at each other. Then he holds his arms up. She picks him up off Alden and hugs him so tight, "My baby. I'm your grandma."

"I'm taking another vacation Alden." Daddy hugs both of them.

Alden smirks, "Did you really come back from the last 1?"

"No. You're not taking him on vacation daddy."

"Fine. But he's staying with us tonight."

"He's never spent the night away from me. We're not starting now. He's not even a year old yet. I'm not ready for that."

"Fine then we're staying on your ship."


I turn around and put my back to them. It's fine. I glance at Alden and he's got tears in his eyes. He's getting rid of them though. I don't know what his problem is. Probably mad about Urijah taking up space on the ship. 

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