37. Nopino

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I wake up alone in the morning. I stretch big and watch out the window. We're at a planet. I don't know what planet. But we're here. I take a bath and get ready then go up to command. Nobody is here. Nobody at all. I go down to the offices level. Alkawn, Tobias, Victor, and Alden are all in their offices.

I go in Alden's, "I guess there's nothing to do on this planet either."

He smiles, "We were just picking up the gold from Tobias's planet. They had some processed already. We're wasting time and trying not to go back to our planet to soon. The longer we wait the more will be done."

"Is anyone down there?"

"No. They transferred the gold already. It wasn't much so far. But we got the start. We're all working on the mining planet ships right now. I'm going to call for the kings table because they are all working on the same thing I think. They keep submitting changes."

I motion for the brain, "Is there any black ore we can pick up or is there anything the mining planet needs we can take there?"

"We have not got deep enough for the black ore. We are projected to start having shipments in a week. However the area is big enough, we could place up to 2 more mines on the black ore."

"Ok do that."

"Yes ma'am."

"Everything else going good? You need anything for that planet?"

"Nothing additional is needed currently."


Someone knocks on the door.


Elek comes in, "Can we go down there?"

"Yes that's fine. Remember only 1 continent has humans on it."

"It's fine. We just want to see how they're doing."

Alden nods and Elek leaves. Then Tobias, Victor, and Alkawn come in. We all sit around the conference table.

"I called you because you're all working on the same stuff."

We all start laughing.

Alden shakes his head. "The base for the war carriers is done. The shape is like a pinecone. Smallest level is on top, being the command area. The command area will have everything this 1 does. I'm not going threw them all... We have added changes fleet wide. The shuttle bay will now have 2 separate air locking stations on it. This effect will change the king, cargo, and war carrier ships. The warship bay will now have 4 air locking stations. This will effect the war carrier. The entire area for the warships on the war carriers will now be able to airlock as well. This would mean, we could open all doors and launch all warships at once. An additional 1 warship air locking station will be placed on the kings ships. The entire are there would also airlock."

"How many warships are on the king ships?"


"We are also adding an airlock station to all medical area's. Normal shuttles will not be stored in it. They would be intake only. However Alkawn designed a shuttle that will pull in an entire warship. So if something like training with Johen happened again, he would not be pulled threw space. There are to many variables with that. So the warship grabbing shuttles will be held in the medical area bay. There will be 1 on each king ship."

"That sounds good. That was so stressful watching the brains open the shuttle and come up strapped to it moving him."

Alden winks at me, "In addition to these another ship has been planned. It will be a full medical station. The medical area's will be large. They will hold 10 of the warship grabber shuttles. 10 separate airlock bays will be across a medical area intake floor. The shuttle level will hold 40 shuttles with 15 air locking bays. The medical area itself will be spread over 8 levels. Not counting the airlock bays. The ship itself will still be heavily defended with lasers, shield, torpedo's, and rockets, however these things will be shipped into it. They will not be building these items on the ship. The ship will also not make it's own food. When the ship is in use, doctors and other medical staff will have 2 levels of staff rooms if needed. Food will have to be shipped in to them. Command will be the same on the top level. 1 level down would be 2 apartments and 2 offices. These ships will not be out roaming, they will only be flown when needed. We are starting with 15 of them. Does anyone have any changes they would like to see moving forward from these plans?"

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