62. Urijah Kyler

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4 days later I lower myself into my rocking chair. Rocking always seems to help take the pressure in my back away. I swear this boy is going to come out bigger than me. I rub my belly and rock. My belly tenses up, "Baby you are stretching momma to the point of explosion."

A cool breeze hits me and I'm looking at Leo. "Oh I'm early."

"Thank you announcing that. Get me out of this chair."

He smirks and grabs on to me, "You shouldn't tell a god what to do."

I glare at him, "I will hit you on the head with a rock next."

He busts out laughing, "You have to be able to reach the ground and get back up for that."

I give him the dirtiest look and my eye twitches.

He gets me stood up and rubs my back, "That better?"

"NO." Then I pee. Well I thought it was pee. It's not pee. It's something else. I stare at the ground under me.

He pulls on me and we both step out of it. 

Then sheer pain shoots threw me. "AAHHH!" I grab onto him so tight. It goes away and I relax. "Sorry I peed on you."

"It's alright." He's staring at me with an eyebrow up.

"I think I can sit back down now."

His face looks like he's thinking, "Let's not though."

"Ok. What's your plan?..." I stare at him, "Sorry, I'm all out of sorts. What did you need?" I wipe some sweat off my face.

"We should walk a bit."

"Of course. Is everything ok with the thrones?"

"Everything is perfect with them. Well Elek rejected your sister. She'll be fine though."

"I did not... Why?"

"She was never going to accept him. She was never going to reject him either. I think he did it to make it easier on her. Now they both can live their own lives."

"That would be nearly impossible to get over. I know she was trying though. I think he should have gave her more time. But yea, maybe some things simply can't be forgiven. Leo was it your choice not to go back to her as a human?"

"Yes. I chose to stay and be a God."

"Then I hope she wasn't punishing Elek for your decision."

"I thought about that too. She knew it was my choice though."

"Is it really forever over for them?"

He laughs and guides me around a corner, "No. I can turn the soulmate bond right back on. But don't tell them that. They both need to heal. Someday maybe they'll love each other again. Or not. For now, let them heal and live without the pressure."

"UGH" I stare at the ceiling.


"Now I've got another Victor and Tobias. He better not screw an alien parasite too."

Leo laughs so hard he nearly falls over, "Sorry for the inconvenience this is causing you."

Then I crack up laughing. Then I nearly double over in pain. "Ok what is going on?"

Leo holds onto me, "You're alright. But yea, he probably will search out anything he can put his dick in for a little bit. I'll do my best to keep them all away from the parasites."

"Thank you sir. That does make me feel a little better."

"How are you holding up?"

"I miss Uhmok. I dream about him. I know he's gone. He's in a better place now. Hopefully he has his real mate and family. I'm thankful I got to have a real family for a day. I'm thankful I have our baby. I'm forever grateful for this place. Whatever it is. I wish I had more time with him. But I guess we don't get to pick the amount of time we have with people. We just have to make what we do get count." I rub my belly, "I think it counted." Leo laughs again. "I loved him. I'm happy for that love. And I felt love from him. I don't care what people are going to say, I know he loved me too."

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