15. Boulder

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After some fun time the next morning we manage to separate and take showers. Then I tell the brain to bring down 1 of the black boxes. They are going to make my life easier. I change my hair to the long white half curled style. Then I leave it down and put on a little white skirt. It covers my ass but not much else. Then I pick a tiny tank top that shows all my stomach really. It covers my boobs though. And there's a V cut between them. The straps on the dress are light blue strings. I pick high heel boots that go up past my knees. Then the whole outfit has light blue trim everywhere. I pick out 2 light blue arm bands, 2 necklaces, 1 longer than the other, a bracelet, and 4 rings for jewelry. Then I find a head piece. It's almost like a crown but not quite. It's white and very fancy. It has a light blue stone that hangs down on my head. 

I spin around in the mirror. The top is tied in the back with the light blue strings. 1 tie behind my neck and another holding the boob part down. I really like this outfit.

"How do I save this. I love it."

"Right here. It is now saved in outfits."

"Thank you."

"My pleasure ma'am."

I go out to the dining area Alden starts choking on water. Once he gets it out he smirks at me and his eyes go black.

"I take it you like this outfit sir?" I spin in a circle all sexy.

His black eyes are all over me. He can't even force his eyes away. I love this.

"I figured, you've already seen my skin. I can show it now."

He nods slow as his eyes go from my chest to my thighs.

I give him a deep kiss. "Good morning sir."

He takes a deep breath to smell me. "Good morning baby." Then he stands up and lifts me by my ass. He sits me on the table and steps all the way against me. He gives me a deep rough kiss then kisses down my neck.


He lays his head on my shoulder and puts his hands on the table. He shakes his head right in my shoulder.

"Yes. The visitors have been there for 2 hours waiting on you. It is nearly lunch. I am very happy you 2 managed to put yourselves together today but now you need to eat again. And drink blood. Bring them both blood."

"Of course."

"Sit in seats." Kina pushes Alden's arm and he sits in his spot. Then she gets me down into my spot. "Now you eat. Then you go to the office. You can get a few things done today." She stand right beside us the entire time we eat.

"Now you go to your office."

"Can I come?"

He wraps his arms around me and pulls me against him. "Of course baby. I love having you there."

I smile and give him a kiss.


We hold hands all the way to his office. Kina goes in before us. 

He gives me 1 more kiss before we head in. I bite his lip lightly and he grabs my ass.


We go in all snuggly and some of Nadine's table is visiting. They aren't her boys though. Victor and Alkawn move down a seat so I can sit to Alden's right side. We both sit down and he takes my hand and kisses it.

Jenny stands up, "I'm going shopping."

Clark says, "Sit down."

Kina rubs her eyes in the middle of the floor. Then she screams, "I SWEAR."

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