28. King Ships

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We get in 2 shuttles. 1 is going to land the other is going to float. We get above the village and turn all the lights on. People start pointing up at us and yelling. They don't run they just watch. Then we get to the ground. The people start dropping to their knees.

I get out with Alden, Victor, Tobias, Clark, Elek, and Alkawn. The people try to sneak up and touch us. Then they back up.

Alkawn nods, "They think we're Gods."

Tobias smiles, "Who is in charge here?"

They point us to a little hut. Then an old man comes out. He laughs for a second, "Well this is different. Are you Gods?"

I shake my head, "No sir, we just have better technology."

Tobias nods, "If the planet submits we can give you better technology."

"I will show you all something. But it is a long walk. Let's get horses."

"We can take the shuttle. It's faster." I point at it.

He tilts his head, "Is it safe?"

Victor nods, "Yea that's how we got down here."


"From space."

"You're from space?"

"A different planet. Up there somewhere."

The old man gets in the shuttle with us and directs it to a cave. We all follow him in. "This is where our people hide during the end of days."

"End of days?"

"Every 12 hundred years, the heavens rain down fire on us. Nearly all of civilization is wiped out. Entire species of animals are made extinct. It's all etched on these walls."

I grab the brain, "Figure out what rain of fire is."

"Yes ma'am. Can you narrow down rain of fire sir?"

"Boulders of fire falling from the skies."

"Searching now."

"Thank you."

"The last civilization tried to make technology to combat the rains but we don't know what it is. Very few survived but they were able to repopulate."

Alden crosses his arms, "Do you have any of the technology they created?"

"Yes sir. We keep it all in this cave." We move deeper into the cave and I can't make sense of anything. The etches on the walls are very clear though.

"When was the last rain of fire?"

"A little over 400 years ago now."

"Planet passes threw a meteor belt every 1200 years. It would be passing threw for 8 to 10 days. Next pass threw 783 years. Planet will be destroyed. It is in the direct path of a meteor larger than itself. Nothing can be done."

The man shakes his head, "Well that's some bad news."

"Not necessarily. We have 783 years to prepare. We can get your people moved to a new planet in that time. I know we can find 1 in 700 years."

Clark nods, "We can find you an empty planet or merge you into another 1. But we're not going to let your people get wiped out."

Alden drops something to the ground, "Can you make anything out of this?" The brain goes over and starts checking the area.

Another brain pulls me out, "A large area of gold has been found on this planet."

"How large?"

"There is more gold in it than there is on your entire planet."

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