22. King Victor

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Alden takes me to the village the next. I have to wear a disguise but I still have a lot of fun with him. We play carnival games and dance. Then we eat a pizza and have ice cream in the park. We watch the last race and then thank them all for inviting us. I guess it wasn't a total waste of time but I never did get to ride a horse. Or get a souvenir. I really need to remember that.

Dipak and Marcus walk us to our shuttle to go back up to the ship and Tobias nearly tackles me. "I want to go with you."

Alden catches me from falling over this time.

"Thank you sir."

"Yea, I'm getting better at it."

Marcus stares at Tobias, "She doesn't live on this planet."

"I'm not staying here."

Victor nods, "He's with us now."

I put up an eyebrow but Tobias gets in the shuttle with Victor. I scratch my head, "I guess Victor is ok with it."

Alden kisses my cheek, "As long as Victor says it's ok I guess."

Dipak and Marcus start laughing. "We'll check on him after a bit. I imagine he'll get homesick."

"I'll be back anyways. I need to bring my nephew his presents. I've never had a nephew."

"She has 10 babies woman." Alden stares at me.

"Yea but babies are babies. They don't talk. Luke's my favorite."

Marcus shakes his head, "You don't get a favorite."

"I don't?"


"But they don't do anything but cry. I can't even play with them." 

The 3 of them crack up laughing.

Alden kisses my head, "Someday you'll be able to play with them baby. They need to grow a bit first though."

"Ok. They are cute. I like Able. He's so focused. I swear he know what's going on."

He squeezes me a little, "You don't get a favorite baby either."


"You'll hurt the other babies feelings. You don't want that do you?"

"Can I have a favorite in my head?"

Marcus and Dipak crack up laughing. "I guess but that's it woman."

"Can I give him extra presents?"

"No. That would hurt the others feelings. You have to keep everything even."

Luke runs over, "ARE YOU COMING BACK SOON?"


They all start laughing again.

"Just come back ok?"

"I'll come back and bring presents."

He gives me a hug, "You're my favorite too."

I smile and jump up and down. Luke runs back over to his mom and they go in.

"Baby, you really can not say that. We have to love them all the same. Same types of presents. Same time spent with each of them. You can not pick a favorite. How would you have felt if everyone wanted to see your brother and nobody wanted to see you or spend time with you."

I can't help but stare at him, "Maybe that's what's wrong with my brother. Nobody ever picked him as the favorite."

Marcus nods, "Maybe. So don't do that ok?"

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