46. Rumors

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The brain wakes me up a couple hours later and my room is all empty again. I smile and stretch. I knew that would get rid of the company. I go out to the balcony and the fire is still there. I fly down and get me 6 s'mores. Then I go back to my room. I sit down at the table and someone knocks on the door. That was quick. "Enter."

Uhmok comes in slowly. 

"You ok?"

"I'm use to having someone actually open the door and say hello. I thought it was broke."

I shake my head, "No. I said enter. You try any of these?"

"No. What are they?"

"S'mores. It's chocolate and marshmallow done on a fire. You want 1?" He stares at it for a second. "If you can eat sugar and have teeth it's probably ok."

"Have teeth?"

"Some of my people don't. We have to blend up food for them. It's ok though. Everyone's different."

"I have teeth." He sits down beside me at the table. 

"Well that's good to know. We'd be blending up more food if you didn't."

He picks 1 up and tastes it. "Ok that is good."

I smile, "Yes they are. What brings you here?"

"My people are boring."

"I have a lot like that too."

"So are you and Alden together? I'm confused about that."

"No. We're not going to do that. We rule better separately."

"So he's not your mate? But your sisters kings are all her mates?"

"He was supposed to be my mate. That's how he got on the throne. I think maybe we were only soulmates to the throne though, if that makes sense. We don't fit any other way. And yea, she got plenty of boys."

"How do you not fit?"

I glance at him for a second and go back to my s'more. "He never wanted me. He always wanted more. He doesn't like the way I look."

"Well he was stupid."

"Then he was never going to mark me. He would come up with different reasons. I knew he didn't want to."

"I'm sorry."

I shrug my shoulders, "Thanks I guess. I'm fine really. I guess we're figuring it out but it's been over a year of us ruling this way. I think we're good now."

"Did you refuse the bond?"

"Not yet. I think it's a lot to let go of. I waited for so long. And the soulmate bond is supposed to be everything to everyone. It's a lot to come to terms with. Knowing I'll never have that or feel it. I'm getting there though."

"Yea that would be a lot to understand. So do you date?"

"No. He does though."

"Why don't you?"

"Boys don't look at me."

"Sure they do."

I shake my head. "Never even been asked out. I don't know. It'll probably be like that forever. That's another thing I'm trying to come to terms with. Being alone forever."

He chuckles, "It won't be forever. Lots of boys see you. He's very intimidating though. They're probably to scared to talk to you."

"I'm usually not with him. We take our ship at different times and go different places. I'm invisible." I take another bite.

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