33. Luke's Party

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I open my eyes and stretch big. I'm back in the ballroom. This time on a couch. I get up and run to Alden. The brains give me some food and I start eating.

"Good nap baby?"

"Yes. I didn't know I was tired though."

"That'll happen sometimes. We have to take Luke back up to say goodbye to them before we leave. I promised him."


Then Tobias and Victor come in and sit down by me. Tobias smiles, "That was enough visiting them until next time."

Alden starts laughing. "Understand that. Did you give them the phones?"

He rubs his eyes, "Yes."

Victor cracks up laughing, "I don't think he wanted to. I had to explain them."

Alden smirks, "Parents can be annoying."

I shake my head so fast.

"We'll see what you think after a couple weeks baby."

Luke comes over and sits at our table. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. I know you like animals. I figured you would like to see them. Oh and I got you a present to go with it that you can keep." I run over to the table with presents on it and pull out 1. I run back and give it to him. "You can open it."

He opens it up and smiles, "It's the not elephant. And that bird."

"We tried to find a figure of every animal we have up there so you can remember seeing them. I think we got them all but a couple."

"There's some spares too in case some break. Give the spares to your dad or put them up."

"Thank you both." He hugs Alden and starts to crying into his shoulder.

I get up and walk behind him. I rub his back and motion for Nadine to get Marcus's attention.

"You're alright little man." Alden rubs his back. "Did you like the animals?"

Luke rubs his eyes and nods.

"That's all that matters. Now you can remember them until you can come visit yourself and see them again."

"I can come visit?"

"Of course you can Luke." I rub his back some more. "You're always welcome. I'm sure you're dad will bring you sometime."

Marcus walks over and Alden rubs Luke's back again, "He's alright. Just got a bit caught up in emotions."

Victor stands up, "You can open my present. It won't be emotional. It'll just be awesome." I roll my eyes at him as the rest of them chuckle. He comes back after a minute with 3. "I only did 3. I couldn't think of 8 and your aunt is crazy. Learn that now."

Luke opens the 3 of them and sits with Victor and his dad for awhile. Victor has to explain 1 of them. It's similar to the boxes from my ship but it's blue. I smile, "What is it?"

"It's a kids tablet. I put all the games, drawing, music, all kinds of apps on it. Then it has a reading app. It's got 600 books on it. It charges on the ship like the phones do. And when they come back to our planet, the reading app will update to his new reading level. He'll get new books on it then."


"The games are what's fun though. And I put a bunch on it for him. He can play them whenever he wants."

"Well that sounds fun."

"Look at this game. I'm a duck swimming."

I start laughing. "That shark is going to eat you. Swim faster."

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