23. 400 Bars Of Gold and A Castle

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Tobias stands at the front of the shuttle as we take off, "What did we learn?"

I raise my hand fast.


"Someone can summon boulders."

Victor smiles, "That was me. I did it in the game. I thought that mean I could do it out here too. It worked."

"Good job." I smile at him.

"Your mate wouldn't let me get a rocket launcher."

"You are not going to shoot rockets towards Kehlani."

"Did we learn anything else?"

Alden nods, "They are attracted to the sound or the vibration of the sound. Victor's voice that loud really got the snakes attention."

I raise my hand again.


"They can stand up. 40 feet is not high enough."

"Yea that thing really came far up out of the ground."

"Alert: Snake above ground."


"Below us."

We all check out the windows. "What's he doing?"

"Collecting warmth."

Victor dives out of his seat, "Let's shoot him with the rocket launchers."

2 of the shuttles land a little distance away. The boys quietly go to the other shuttle and get their rocket launchers ready. I plug my ears.

Alden comes in with a thing on his head and puts 1 over my head. Now I really can't hear anything. I watch them though and they seem to have fun shooting at it. They all shoot a few times then get back in. I take the head thing off and smile at them, "Seemed like you boys had fun."

"That was fun baby. A few of you brains stay and make sure that fire goes out after it's burnt down."

"Yes sir."

"How many left? Did you ever find more?"

"7 left sir."

Tobias stretches his arms out, "If there's anymore sunning like that, we'll shoot them too."

I jump up and raise my hand, "Can we do my idea now? Try to poison 1."

"Sure baby." He motions for a brain, "Get enough fresh meat from the planet so the snake will eat the poison. We'll let Victor talk to the ground until the snake shows up and see's it."

I snuggle with Alden and almost fall asleep.

"Alert: Snake located 10 feet below ground in this area. No human's present. Would you like to deploy the poison here?"

"Yes. This is fine. We'll see if Victor can pull him out with his voice."

I watch out the window as the brains set up an area of what appears like a meat stack. Then Tobias has them put some flashing lights on the meat stack. Victor amplifies his voice and starts talking, "Here snakey snakey snake."

"Oh what the fuck?"

"Well how in the hell do you call a snake asshole?"

"I have no idea. Make loud noises. Not all sweet high pitched baby talk."

Victor changes his tone to really low, "SNAKE COME EAT DIE."

I crack up laughing. Then the snake punches threw the earth. He see's the lights and lunges at them. He swallows that meat stack whole.

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