45. Arrival

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Everyone leaves so quickly. They're excited about their ships. That's for sure. I spend 2 days roaming around the castle trying to find stuff to do. I swim in my shorts and t-shirt. I jump in the jump room. I watch a movie. I drive all over the village and wave at everyone. It's about a quarter full now. But the ice cream place is open. I love going there for ice cream. I try a go-cart then get right back out of it. That's a no. To fast. Finally it's time to go.

We get up to the shuttle and I go to my room. No reason to sit in the command room with them. It's Clark, Maddie, and Alden. Those 3 are close. I wish I was on anyone else's ship. I would be more comfortable on any of them.

The chimes sound and Maddie says, "Arriving tomorrow morning to pickup guests."

Guess this is it for tonight then. I get in a bubble bath and relax for a long time. Then I get out and put on a night gown. Even my nightgowns are for not sexy people. I look at myself and laugh. Long sleeves, buttons to the throat, it goes down past my knees, white, and loose. It's only me, it shouldn't matter what I wear to sleep in. I could sleep in my underwear and it wouldn't matter. I've always been comfortable in this though. I think comfort is what matters. And if something happens, I don't have to worry about finding something to put on. I could go outside in this if I had to. I smile and lay down. I feel better.

I wake up and stretch big. Then I take a bath again. I eat a good breakfast then get dressed in a fancy queen gown. This gown has long sleeves with a fairly high neckline but still tight on the top. I find a fur wrap that clips in the front and covers me really well. It's perfect. I throw on some high heels and go to the command area.

Maddie smiles at me, "You look pretty today."

"Thank you. I just found these wraps. I really like them. Are we the only people up?"

"No. The boys are in the shuttle bay welcoming the guests." She motions to the window. 

I look out and see Oukrant. "Oh wonderful."

"Yea, and Alden wants you in here for lunch and dinner."

"I thought we would be there by dinner?"

"Just after. We'll eat here then go down and get our rooms."

"I guess that works. I'm going to.."

"Queen Kehlani, these are our guests."

I turn around quick and smile. 4 Klekraka men stand in front of me. They are tall like Alden and build the same as human men. But their skin is a very dark brown. It also seems thick and a bit rough. Then they have small darker spots on the sides of their faces. They all have black hair that is going every which way. Probably hard to comb with the 2 big horns growing out of their heads above their foreheads though. Each horn is about 6 to 8 inches long and starts our a couple inches in diameter. They come to a rounded point. There nose also seems to be a horn, but it's small and facing the other way. Their eyes are a bit deeper set than ours and all brown. They are all dressed in a deep brown suit that has gold accents. They don't have ties, just pants and a shirt. They all match though.

"This is Planet Leader Whyther."

I curtsey, "Pleasure to meet you sir."

"You as well your majesty." He bows.

"Commander Ecosh."

He shakes my hand, "It's an honor ma'am." I swear he has claws for fingernails. They are long, dark, and come to a rounded point.

"The honor is mine sir." I smile as best as I can.

"Commander Josip." 

He bows and I curtsey. Wow these people are formal. 

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