16. Healing Has Begun

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The orb hits my brothers statue right in the middle. It crashes over backwards and concrete he was standing on into pieces. There's rubble everywhere. I face my hands up again and collect 2 orbs. I combine them above my head.


I let the wind build up speed around me. Then I slam the orb into the center of the concrete area. All of the rubble goes flying out away from the middle. 

Then we all go back and stand in a big dirt circle with a whole in it.

Dracul smiles, "Well that was very sufficient."

I walk over and look down the hole. It's about 2 foot by 2 foot. Seems black down there. I grab a brain and toss it in. "WHAT'S DOWN THERE?" I lean over the hole and wait on an answer.

"A 20 foot drop."

"AAAAHHHH!" I jump right in the hole. The damn answer came from behind me. I turn to a dragon and land.

Clark is standing beside while I'm still trying to get my balance, "SHE'S ALRIGHT. DON'T JUMP IN UNLESS YOU CAN FLY. IT IS A SOLID 20 FOOT DROP STRAIGHT DOWN."





We wait a few seconds in the pitch black. The only light in the place is coming from the hole 20 feet above us. The walls are dirt. That's all I can see.


Clark pulls me back and a dragon lands. Dracul stands in front of us after a second and hands a bag to Clark. Clark opens it and starts pulling stuff out. All of a sudden we have a lot of light.

"Lanterns. They sent flashlights too. This is good." He gives us all a flashlight and a lantern.

I turn around and there is a dirt hallway about 20 feet long. 4 broken pieces of wood are used as doors. 2 on each side of the hall. I take a step and Dracul grabs me, "Wait."


"There could be traps. And check the ground. No other footprints. How is that possible?"

"Flight only?"

Clark nods, "Or it could have flooded, everything seems damp in here. It could have washed prints away."

Dracul seems to agree, "It is soggy in here. Be very careful moving forward." Him and Clark start down the hallway.

I follow behind them with my flashlight watching the walls. It's a tunnel carved out of the dirt. The boys each go in a 1 of the first 2 rooms. I peek in Clarks but it smells moldy. I keep going. The 3rd room is a stairway. The 4th room has a table. 2 bodies are on it. "AAAAHHHHH!"

Dracul has me around the waist and into the hallway, "It's fine. We knew they were somewhere."

Alden runs down the hall and grabs me. I wrap around him and cry. "Got the ladder in."

"We're going to need the brains to dig us a path out."

"Is Omar down here yet?"

"Yes, I'm right here. What do you need?"

Kane asks, "How do you want to get them out of here?"

"I need to figure out what's blocking magic. Then we do other things."

Victor asks, "What's it look like?"

"A magic blocker is usually a black box but it can be any color or shape."

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