35. Dinosaurs

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We wake up in the morning and go to his office again. We ignore the warships flying around outside the plane. 

"I had a question love. You said the cargo ships will be able to land on planets?"


"Then I want the war carrier to be able to land on a planet as well. I could open up on a bottom level and release a million brains."

"Let's do that. But I also want 5,000 war ships on them. For problems in space. Table can you show us a war carrier landing and deploying on a random planet please."

We see a part of a planet appear on the table. Then a ship lands and the doors open like ramps to the earth. A shit ton of brains come running out of it.

"I love that. We get enough ships like that we could take a planet by force. Win any war."

"Yea we could." Then another level of doors slide open. We both stop talking and stare at the ship. The warships come flying out of it.

He starts coughing, "THEY CAN FLY ON PLANETS?"

"Yes sir."

"Can we land this ship on a planet?"

"The atmospheric pressure would have to be low for the landing to be smooth. Otherwise, the ship would slam into the earth."

"What's the closest planet we could land easy on?"


"You going to land us love?"

"I want to fly close to the ground baby. I bet that is so different."

"I'm sure it is. Just don't hit the ground. Fairly certain you would blow up or be ripped apart."

"That is true. We'll be careful and not hit anything."

"You better. I have an idea for another mission too."

"What's that?"

"You know the laser wars? I was thinking that accept putting you against an AI flying a ship. We would set it to not fire on you. I want to see how much they can take before the shield really fails and stuff like that."

"Johen would be good to test that too. That boy can really fly."

"You both can."

"16 minutes in hyperspace is the nearest soft land planet with enough gravitational pull to hold the ships. It is not inhabited by humans."

"Perfect. Are they all in our warships out there?"

"Yes sir."

"Take over and pull them back."

"Yes sir."

I get up to the command area. Nadine and Elroy are sitting in it. She smiles at me, "They are all having so much fun out there."

"Yea, we're about to do a training run though. Who do we have of yours?"

"All my boys and Kane."

"Ok. We'll see if they want to go. Who of mine are out there?"

Elroy watches the screen, "Everyone but your parents aren't out there. Your parents are on the planet."

"Airlock complete."

"I want to see the training mission even if they don't join please?"

Alden smiles, "Sure. Jump us into hyperspace."

"Yes sir."

I hit the orange button. A chime goes off. "Good morning, this is your command. Please enjoy a 15 minute break then report to the command area. You will be briefed about todays training run then." Chimes go off again.

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