41. Crowd Participation

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Clark puts me in my golf cart and sits by me. "I'm with you today. Victor was marked as to irresponsible for you. So we are going to drive responsibly."

I check around. All the carts have people getting in them. Victor is getting in with Tre. I crack up laughing. He is the most responsible over there. Then I see Ed get in with a guard. Dipak and Alden are riding together. 

"Ok you can go."

I slam the gas down and run out over the curb onto the path. I hear Victor crack up laughing.

"Let's try to stay on the path to the village."

"Ok." I go as fast as I can all the way to the village. Then I slam on the break so I'm doing the speed limit. It's 30. I start driving all over and going where he says. I use the turn lanes and stop at all the stop signs. I do so good.

Then I see the most amazing ice cream cone. It's on top of a building. It's huge. I turn for it and come to an abrupt stop. I hit Dipak's cart this time.

"What the hell was that?" Clark is staring at me.

I point at the ice cream and jump out. I run for it.


I hear Victor crack up laughing. 

I run to the building and try to get it. It's locked though. 

Clark comes over, "What are you doing?"

"I want that ice cream."

"It's not real. It's a sign. You have to drive threw in your cart and order it once it's open."

I feel my eyes get bigger. I run back to my cart and get in. Dipak and Alden are still sitting there. I back up and take off. I have to drive threw it to get ice cream. I check and Clark is chasing me. He's running behind me waving his arms yelling. I crack up laughing and run right into Tye and a guard. I glance back and he's gonna get me. I back up and take off again. Tye cracks up laughing this time.


I go around a couple blocks. I finally lose Clark and I see the ice cream again. I floor the gas pedal and go flying up to it. Victor is standing there laughing with his arms crossed. He sits down beside me, "It's not open. There's no ice cream or workers in there. You have to wait on it to open. It'll take a month. Then you can get drive thru."

"He said I had to drive threw to get it. I thought he meant now."

"Nope. Let's keep going. Try to cause less accidents. We can practice the drive thru part though. Go over to that box. Closer. Yep you'll say your order into that. Then pull around to the window. Then you pay and they give it to you."

I peek in the window and there's nobody in there. It's really not open. I practice that a couple more times but nobody is there still. 

"Ok try something else. None of the food places are open here yet. Let's try speed bumps. There's some in the park."

I drive into the park and see the sign. I go over it and the cart jumps so much we nearly fly out.

"I need to slow down for those."

"Yea they'll sneak up on you too."

I make it threw the park and put on my turn signal. 

"Turn left instead." I follow all his direction and he turns us back into the ice cream shop. "Try now. Go to the box."

I pull up to it. "Good afternoon would you like chocolate or vanilla?"

My eyes get so big and I stare at it.

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