52. Feather

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I wake up confused. I lay there wondering if Uhmok means what he says or if he's saying it because I'm the queen. Maybe he's trying to get Alden's throne. My sister said men would do that. Lie to me. Pretend to like me. It is weird. He suddenly appears in my life and says I'm sexy. Wants to spend time with me. Nobody else ever said or did what he does. I shake it off and get ready for the day. We only have a couple weeks to see each other anyways. Might as well enjoy it. I'll remember he's not staying forever.

I take my bath and watch the little ships flying around outside. We must be home. Together again.

I make it to the command area a half hour later. Elroy is watching the screens and eating cookies. "It's pretty easy to watch them when they can't shoot anything."

"I did that yesterday. It's like a vacation. I got a chair and sat with my feet up."

He laughs, "I'm just eating my cookies."

I shake my head, "How long they been out there?"

"2 hours."

I crack up laughing. "I bet they really have to piss."

"Yea. But they don't want to stop."

I roll my eyes and put on a headset. "Good morning. This is your command. I am adding a new rule to training and flight time. There is no pissing in my warships." They all crack up laughing in my headset.

Elek says, "I do really have to piss."

"Bring them in. You can all have a bathroom break. We'll find another place for you to fly later."

Tera asks, "What if it's an accident?"

I lose it. I laugh so damn hard. Then they all start laughing.

Victor says, "I almost shit in mine when Alden cut me off."

"You are all something else. Command is going to go eat. Don't mess up the returns. You're all clear for return. AND STOP. What just happened?" I cut the communication. 

"I don't know. It's something in the weapons system."

"Who's ship?"


Alden says, "What do you see Kehlani?"

Elroy shakes his head, "It's a faulty rocket. It seems like it's going to fall off. It's not at risk to blow up right now though."

"Fair enough. If you are not Alden or Victor you are clear for return. I only want Alden and Victor out there."

Victor says, "Well now I'm concerned."

"Well you're not wrong sir. You have a faulty rocket strapped to you."

"Well that's not good. Can I piss myself now?"

"Not yet. It's not active. I am trying to manually override it so it drops away from you without detonation."

Elroy is talking into his headset doing something else. I can't hear him though.

"Alden if I can get that to drop off. When he gets away from it, I'm going to have you shoot it. I don't want to chance it falling to earth. For right now, I need you to sit tight."

"Will do. Take your time."

I focus more at Victor's ship and concentrate on the rocket. It's holding on by a tiny piece. I try to shift a couple things but it's not budging and I don't want to jar it to hard. A hard impact will cause detonation.

Elek asks, "How's it going?"

Elroy throws the big ass book at him without saying anything.

Clark says, "Someone really needs to remove that book from this room."

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