29. King Kennian

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We make love in the morning and then snuggle. 

"I want to check at the kings ship plans today. Don't let me forget."

"I won't. I added a vault on last night. It's hard to remember everything."

"Yes it is. You did so good though. I don't want to drive them all over hell constantly either. They'll end up with their own advisors though."

"Yea that's why I put 6 advisor apartments and offices in them. Most kings do end up with advisors."

Something flies by our window. We both jump.

"What the hell was that love?"

"Warship. I'm going to kick all their asses."

"Well as long as their not shooting at each other and have someone in here it should be fine."

We get dressed quick and go to the command area. Elroy is sitting there with the headset on.

"I take it you're the lookout?"

He starts laughing, "I wanted to get to know some more about the controls in here. And honestly, I do not want to go out in that little thing."

I smile, "I don't blame you. Maybe if they were slower I would go. But they're fast and have rockets on them." I put a headset on so I can hear.

Then Alden puts 1 on and starts messing with the controls, "Good morning assholes."

They all start laughing.

"How long have they been out there?"

"20 minutes."

Alden nods and starts bringing up different menu's for the little ships.

"Alert: Incoming transmission."

"Connect it."

Nadine shows up in the captain chair of their ship. She seems like she's trying to not cry. Her eyes are red though.

"What can I do for you?" I sit down in my captains chair.

"Is Elek there? Can I talk to him?"

"Sure. AI take over Elek's ship and bring him back. Put him threw airlock and rush him up here."

"Well if he's busy I can wait."

"Don't worry about it. He's not busy. They're just being boys and messing around. I'm sure he'd much rather talk to you. He's on a 30 second countdown then he'll be coming."

"Thank you."

I nod. "Elek, come up to the command area when you get out of airlock. Nadine wants to talk to you."

12 seconds later he nearly falls in the door. I hand him a tablet, "You can connect her to a tablet and talk privately. I can't leave them all out there. They'll shoot my ship if we're not watching."

He nods and takes the tablet. She disappears from my view and he walks out.

I watch them all fly around for an hour. Then I get bored and eat lunch. I hear Alden say, "We have a shuttle coming up, do not hit it." 

Tobias yells, "TARGET PRACTICE."

I spit out some water and start laughing.

"Fomek is coming up to check your parents baby. He'll come up here when he's done."


Elek comes back in and sits the tablet down. He's been crying. "Have some lunch Elek."

He sits down by me. I think he's in shock.

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