18. A Planet To Rule

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A few days later I'm sitting at the dining room table playing my game. All the visitors left and everything is back to normal. Nadine's castle invited us over this weekend for some arena races. It sounds fun. I go up to Alden's office to see what he's doing. 

I peek around the corner and he's sitting at the conference table. Everyone else must all be off doing stuff. I tip toe in and shut the door. He looks up and smiles at me. "I love you woman."

"I love you too. I just came to suck on him."

His eyes go black. He loves it when I do that. I'm figuring out what he likes more now too. I walk over and drop to my knees in front of him. 20 minutes later he lifts me up and puts my butt on the conference table in front of him. He pulls my underwear off and sits back down. Then he licks and kisses me until I cum twice. He uses his fingers too. They don't bother me at all anymore. Everything feels good.

He helps me get my underwear back on and I snuggle in his lap. I'm ready for everything with him. I love him so much.

I wake up a couple hours later on his couch. He's talking to Alkawn and Jenny. I guess they are staying while we go to earth. Alkawn says something about Tim but I stretch and miss it. I sit up and rub my eyes.

"Do you want to take Fomek with us baby?"

"Probably shouldn't love. He's our only doctor here. They have more doctors than we do and we can get back in 6 hours if we need to."

"That's true. If something happens here, you'll need him."

Alkawn nods, "Did you know if Clark made up his mind yet?"

"I think he's setting this 1 out. He wants a couple slow days with Maddie. And you know how to get us on the boxes or the brains right?"

"Yea, that won't be a problem."

Alden stands up, "Ok, I think we're good to go."

Jenny laughs, "You're forgetting Victor."

"Well shit, summon Victor and Clark." He sits back down.

They all laugh and the boys come in after a minute.

"We're ready to go. Are you staying here Clark?"

"Yes. I need a visitor free vacation."

So me, Victor, and Alden go up to the ship and take off for earth. Alden makes the ship go and then carries me to his room.

"We'll take a nap baby. I don't think you got all your sleep out."


"You're really snuggly."

"I like snuggles."

"So do I. I'll snuggle you a bit and we'll see if we fall asleep." He puts me on my feet by the bed.

I pull the dress over my head and take my underwear off. "Ok let's see if we sleep."

His eyes wonder on my hips and he swallows hard. "Well I might need to eat some pussy first." He throws his clothes off super fast.

I smile and climb in the bed. Then I lay on my back and spread my legs a little. I motion him to me.

His eyes go dark and he climbs over top of me naked. I drag my nails up and down his back lightly and kiss his shoulder. 

I feel him shiver as he presses his dick against me. He feels amazing like this. Nothing between us. I grab his hips with my legs and rock against him a little.

"Mmm" He thrusts it against me and gives me a deep kiss. Then he kisses the spot on my neck.

"Oh yes" My hips move faster against him.

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