63. Nuns

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I wake up the next day all snuggled up with Urijah. I give him his morning kisses and snuggles then we get up. We go to the front desk area and it's chaos. They are redoing all the common rooms.

"I told them not to redo the dining room. You wanted that. But everyone picked a room really. I'm redoing the bathrooms. They won't let me add any more but I'm going to make them super nice. We need bigger baths."

"I won't argue with that. Those are only made for showers I think. And giving Urijah a bath was a real headache. I think the sink would have been a better idea."

"I'll put a bucket sink in your bathroom anyways. He'll fit in it for a long time and you won't be crawling around on the floor that way."

"That'll be nice. I think I would have got in the bath with him if it would have been bigger though."

"Yea, that would always work too. I'll do both. I'll put a changing table in yours too. Give you a place off the floor to change his diapers or clothes. It'll be convenient."

Lisa comes up to us smiling, "I'm in charge of bedrooms, is there anything you wanted added to yours?"

"I would actually like to take the night stand and table and chair out. If that's possible?"

"Sure why?"

"It's a lot going on in there. I think with each of us having a bed, the dresser to share, and a rocking chair is a perfect area. I eat in the dining room anyways. The night stand makes putting Urijah's bed by mine awkward."

"Well do you want him to have his own room?"

"No. Not now. Maybe someday but I'm not there yet. I'm not even sure I was ready for him to come out of my belly."

"Yea, that was a big change. I'm going to make him his own room though, for when he gets bigger. I put in an actual crib and things. It'll be right by your room and you can ignore it until you're ready."

Ella smiles, "If he out grows the bassinet before you're ready to give him his own room, we'll just move the crib to your room. I agree it would be better to have the stuff ready for when we need it."

"When do other kids move to their own rooms?"

"Some parents do that on day 1. Others a year. It depends on what's going on in their lives. There's no perfect answer and each baby is different."

Lisa nods, "You may decide you're ready for him to be in his own room after a year. You put him there and he has a fit. It'll depend when he's ready too."

I give him a big snuggle, "You better not be ready to move away from momma for a long time."

Sara comes up smiling. "I got us 2, 8 person vans. We'll all be able to be out at the same time now."

"Get a couple of nice mowers too. We are all tired of push mowing this whole place."

We all agree and Sara runs off again.

"Me and Urijah are going to go sit in the dining room and see if inspiration hits us."

"Good luck."

By the next Tuesday I have the plan for the dining room in. It's going to be amazing. One of the girls let me know we're not buying the stuff yet, we want to make sure we have enough money for everything first. I told them I'll get more if they need it. I give Urijah his breakfast then lay him down for his after breakfast nap. He's such a good baby. I tie by soul to the drawer again. I tell the girls then concentrate on my bed in the ship. I untie the bow and there I am.

I go to my ship office after I tie my soul to the bed. I do miss working. I sit down and Alden comes in. He sits on the other side of the desk and puts about 20 folders on it. "I know you wanted to keep an eye on the planet commissioners meeting but these are the new confidential 1 and 0 folders. I didn't know if you would want to check them or not. It's nothing to extreme."

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