70. Daddy

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A couple months later.


"UrieUrieUrieUrie." I run over and tickle him. He cracks up laughing. I pick him up and give him the biggest hug. "Good morning my baby."

Alden gets up from the bed and wraps his arms around both of us, "I need to get out of here quick. The brains found a hidden colony of the dragons on Persei. They are pleading for their lives. I'm going to try and meeting with them this morning. After that we're going out flying for a training run."

"We want to go to the training run."

"Of course baby. We'll probably be ready in a couple hours. I need to see what sense I can make out of those dragons."

"Weren't you having them all killed?"

"After I seen Urie, I lifted the order. It's not their fault they had asshole leadership. They can't all be horrible. It's wrong to punish all of them for Whyther's decisions."

"Uhmok wasn't bad."

"He was the worst." Alden chuckles and kisses his mark on my neck. "He stole my queen. But I agree, he wasn't a bad person. Just he stole my queen."

I laugh as he goes over to the shower.

I put Urie down and he walks over to Alden while taking his sleeper off. "Alden look."

"You crashing my shower little man?"

Urie mumbles something and steps out of his sleeper. 

My eyes fill up with tears, "You're getting so big Urie." I get his clothes ready for the day. When they get out, I dry and clothe the little wiggle monster. Then Alden takes him to Ella so I can get ready in peace.

A couple hours later, me and Urie go into the apartment that has all his dad's stuff in it. I've showed him the locket but it's so small. I would like an actual picture to put in his bedroom. 

I go in and it is so eerie. It's set up like his apartment was. I don't know why, but I expected boxes. This is straight up like walking into someone's house. I hold Urie and glance around. The diamond ring is sitting on the side table by the couch. I pick the whole box up and hold it against my heart. "It's beautiful Uhmok. I'll make sure your son gets it someday." Tears poor down both my cheeks. I had no idea this would be so emotional.  

I collect myself and glance around again. The man had no pictures displayed of himself. Or anyone else. He's going to make me look. I go over to the desk, "Maybe we'll get lucky Urie, we don't have a lot of time." There's 2 drawers on each side. I go for the top drawer first. There's a contract right on top. The top sheet makes it seem like it's a promotion page. I flip threw and it's police files of some kind. I go back to the front and it says commander, I guess that was part of his job. Then I see my name on it.


"Sorry baby. Momma can snoop later. Let's keep looking for the picture." I get in 1 of the bottom drawers and it's more paperwork. "Daddy was boring." Urie laughs and I search the other side. I find 1 right away. They must have took it for his promotion picture. 

"They are wanting to go now Kehlani. Any luck with the picture?" 

Urie runs to Ella laughing.

"I found this 1. It's something."

"Yea, a lot bigger than the locket. Did you want it in his room or the nursery?"

"1 or the other I guess. This is more than I thought it was going to be."

"I figured it would be." We start the walk to Alden's office. I bring the picture and the box. She carries Urie, "Is that the ring?"

"Yea. I want to give it to Urie someday. I'll have Alden put it in a vault or something. Right inside the door probably isn't the safest spot." I motion for the brain, "Put this in a frame and put it in the nursery please."

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