27. Warships

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A couple days later we're back on the ship. I sit on my throne and smile. Then I make Alden sit on his.

"I'm surprised she's not making you wear the crown bro."

"I NEED THE CROWNS." I jump up and run for them.

"Thanks asshole."

I get to the hidden box and grab mine. I put it right on my head then run back with Alden's and put it on his head. I sit down and smile again. Everyone starts kneeling.

Alden rubs his eyes, "All rise." Then he smiles at me, "Why are we in here baby?"

"I figured out how I'm going to do things."

Tera crosses her arms after a minute, "You have to tell us then."

"Ok. Me and Alden aren't ruling any planets except this 1. You're going to rule them all. We'll just step in when you ask. However, you must all agree to rule your planet with our rules, guidelines, and laws. You must implement the technologies we want. You must submit to us and only us before we agree to let you rule planets under us."

Victor scratches his head, "What kind of rules, guidelines, laws, and technologies?"

"We don't have any yet. But I would like all of the planets to eventually have the antimissile technology the horn people planet had. I would like them to be able to defend themselves for a bit. At least until we can get there."

Alden nods, "Planetary shields."

"I don't know how to do that."

"Victor your planet is in a rest period and honestly I don't know how to do that. And it's the only planet we have. And I remember saying eventually. Once we figure out how to implement something, we'll give you time to upgrade your planets."

"How long?"

Alden rubs his eyes, "You can negotiate that but if we get the anti missiles up on this planet, we would give you 10 years or so to get them equipped on all your planets. We will give you longer than a day to make extreme improvements. If you need more time for a planet, just say that. We'll figure it out."

Tim nods, "I'll submit but I don't know about ruling planets."

I smile at him. "You don't have to rule or be a king to submit. You could help us with implementing things and making sure the planets and kings are following new rules. I'll never force someone to be a king."

Tobias looks at me, "How many planets would you have us rule?"

"That would be up to you. It's what you're comfortable with at any given time. Victor may want to stick with 1 for a couple dozen years and make sure it's good. Or he may decide it's fine and let it grow on its own. If that's the case he may take another planet soon. That's his decision. I'm not forcing planets on people. You know what you can handle."

Tera smiles, "I understand and honestly I like the way you are doing things, but Nadine is queen to all of her planets. Are you sure you want to do it so differently?"

"Yes. Nadine has 9 mates. I have Alden. The 2 of us would go crazy trying to rule 100 planets. She can divide them over her 9 mates and they'd all end up with 10 or 11. That works for them, it does not work for us. Plus we will still reign as high king and queen on all of your planets."

Tobias looks at me, "I submit. I need a planet now."

"You are so competitive with Victor." I lean into Alden and whisper, "He's going to go after the bug planet."

Alden rolls his eyes, "First rule. All planets you rule over but have intelligent human life that has submitted to you. You are not allowed to take empty planets unless you have a plan for them or need them for another reason. Empty planets do not make you a king, you are just claiming the land for your future private use."

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