49. Modified Schedule

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The dress the girls designed for me is my normal style but in white and baby blue. It's tight down to hips then poufy to the ground. It actually really shows off my waste and hips. Then it's princess cut on top and sleeveless. I am going to need a scarf or something. But it has fake diamond embellishments all over it. Then the jewelry is all fake diamond. I get bracelets and rings. 2 necklaces at different lengths. Then a head piece. Diamonds rain down in my hair with a baby blue stone that drops to my forehead. I feel pretty. I pull some hair over both my shoulders and Kina comes in. She smiles, "It's time to go."

"Oh I need a cover."

"I'll bring you 1. It'll take me a minute to get that blue but I'll get it."

"Ok thank you."

We go to the ballroom entrance and she grabs a tablet. Nadine pulls me in the door. "Now we go in."

"No I need..."

"You're fine." She pulls me right in the entrance of the ballroom.

"Queen of Queens Hypatia Nadine Sandu and Queen of Queens Kehlani Mayra Sarris." Everyone starts cheering.

I hold my arms. I feel naked but I smile. Then I go up to my little round table. I got 1 all to myself. It's on a platform at the top. Alden is up here too but he's at his own little round table. Our people are all on lower platforms below us. I glance over at Nadine. All of her boys are on the top level. She sat with Tre.

Dipak and Alden both make a speech and thank everyone for coming. Then they send for the food. We all get steak and orange fish with potatoes and peppers. Everything tastes amazing. After that they start the dances. The boys all scatter and start talking to each other. People who brought mates or dates go down to the floor to dance. I take a few minutes and watch everyone. They are all so fancy. Even my 2 assholes look good. Probably a good idea we put Jenny on the clothes. We all look coordinated and not homeless.

"Would you like to dance?"

I stare at Uhmok and blink a couple times.

He puts an eyebrow up.

"I don't dance at these."


"I hide and work."

He laughs, "1 dance."

I still don't have my damn cover. I hug myself. I don't know what else to do.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know what to do."

"You don't know how to dance?"

"I don't have my cover. My servant got lost I think. And nobody ever asks me to dance. I sneak out and work now."

"How old are you?"

"916 kind of."

"Kind of?"

"I'll dance so we stop talking."


He holds out his hand again and I take it. He leads me to the floor and I feel people staring at me. He leads me in a formal dance. I forgot how much I like dancing. And how much I like being touched. I don't get close to him or dance any way but completely formal. I know what everyone would say. But I like his hand on my back. I like touching his hand. His skin is rough. It seems thicker. It has more texture. I run my thumb across his hand. I like it. He pulls me a little closer and I look at his face. He smiles at me. Then he twirls me as the song ends.

He gets me back up to my table, "Thank you sir."

"Was that so bad?"

"No I liked that."

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