65. A Place To Stay

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A few months later me and Ella are sitting in the living room watching Urie pull himself around all the furniture. He's having a blast play walking.

"So are you staying away for the whole 3 days?"

"No. I'll be back every night. But I'll be at the meetings all day. It's 9 hours of meetings and lunch. If I can get away after the meeting I will, but there are a few events I need to make an appearance at."

"Like what?"

"There's a buffet with a bunch of planets different foods and then the ball. I should really go to both. At least for a little bit."

"We'll be fine here. You try to enjoy it. Eat dinner with Alden and smile at him."


"You need laid."

"Are you sure that's not you?"

We both crack up laughing and Elek pops up right in the middle of the floor. Urie busts out laughing and walks right to him. He's not holding on to anything. Me and Ella both start crying.

"Such a big boy."

"You're growing so fast." 

We both go for him but Elek picks him up. "He wanted me. Back women." He snuggles him and rubs his back. "You are getting so big. Walking already." Urie shoves a stuffed apple in his mouth and he pretends to eat it. 

That makes Urie bust out laughing again. "EL EL EL ELK"

Elek's eyes fill up with tears and he hugs him again. Then Urie pushes off him so Elek puts him down. Urie crawls super fast to his toy pile.

I wipe a tear off my cheek, "I guess you're Elk now."

"I'll take it." He's trying to get rid of the tears.

"Elk Elk ELK." Urie grabs something and crawls super fast back to him.

Elek drops to his knees and takes the toy. They he makes a roar noise. Urie laughs and crawls fast as hell again. Elek starts crawling around chasing him.

Ella smirks, "And then there were 2 children."

"I think Urie missed him. I can't believe his first steps were to Elek though. I wanted those."

"Don't be jealous of first steps momma. At least we got to see them. My first steps were for dog food."

Me and Elek both start laughing at Ella. Then Urie laughs and takes off after Elek. Elek crawls away and Urie chases him laughing.

"I love how happy he is."

"Me too. Happiest little baby ever." Ella hold her hands out to him.

He turns and takes off after Elek again. We all laugh this time. 

She throws her hands up, "I just can't compete with Elk."

"ELK" Urie screams and dives on him.

"OH You got me," Elek rolls to his back and Urie climbs up and sits on him laughing. Elek looks at me, "I forgot but Alden wants some list or something. He sent me to send you back."

"Ok I'll go see what he wants quick. You good to watch him?"

"Yea I'll stay till you get back."

"Thank you."

I concentrate on my desk and untie the bow. Then I go to Alden's office. "Woman, who am I picking up? I can't find the damn list. And how are you getting there? I can't..." 

I grab onto him and give him a kiss. "Relax sir. Everything is fine."

"But I can't find..."

"I made the papers for pick ups blue. Find your blue paper. You're only picking up 2 anyways." I pick it up off the conference table. "Here."

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