[Garnet × teenaged reader]

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[#6: Protect You]

Your earbuds were blasting music at the highest volume as you trudged through The Temple. You rolled your eyes at Garnet who told you that you could damage your ears playing music that loud.

She sighed as you walked away and out of The Temple door. You were stubborn and you really tested her patience most of the time, but she did love you.

She pulled her visors off, something she did very rarely, and rubbed her eyes. She did that when she was frustrated.

You continued to walk through Beach City with your music loud. You zoned out the sounds of the city.

Suddenly, you were shoved to the ground. You landed face-first onto hard concrete. Sitting up, you noticed that your nose was bleeding.

Great. You thought to yourself, rolling your eyes. You looked up at the one who had knocked you over. It was Phoebe, a girl who hated your guts for an unknown reason.

"Watch where you're going, loser," she sneered, and walked away with her high heels clicking against the concrete.

You sighed shakily and stood up, wiping more blood onto the back of your sleeve. Good thing I didn't like this shirt. You thought bitterly.

Your earbuds had fallen out and you went to grab them, but you were stopped by the sound of Pheobe snickering.

You looked up at her taking a picture of you, probably about to post it on Instagram and embarrass you as she always did.

"Fuck you," you mumbled, snatching your earbuds up and stuffing them into your pocket. Phoebe's face fell and she grabbed you by the collar of your shirt.

"What did you just say to me, lowlife?" she hissed, her face only inches from yours. You never fought her, because you didn't want to get into trouble. She had friends who wouldn't hesitate to beat the shit out of you. They'd already done it before.

But this time, you had had enough of her harassing you.

"I said," you started in a low voice, "fuck. You. What do you not understand about that?"

She scoffed and pushed you to the ground. She stood over you with an evil glare.

"You'll be sorry, (Y/N). Just like you were last time you stood up to me," she told you. She gave you one last kick before walking away.

You climbed to your feet once again and decided to go home. Beach City suddenly didn't seem so nice.

When you made it home, Pearl went crazy over your bloody nose. She cleaned it up and attempted to get you to tell her what happened. But you wouldn't tell her.

The next day, you were watching TV when there was a knock at The Temple door. You saw Phoebe and her friends at the other side of the door.

"Hey (Y/N), come out of there and join us," she spoke, a sinister smile creeping onto her face. You shook your head, but that only encouraged her.

She opened the door, and you cursed at yourself for not locking it. She grabbed you by your shirt and jerked you outside. She pushed you down the stairs and you thanked the universe that you didn't break your neck.

"I told you you'd be sorry, stupid bitch," she growled, grabbing you by your neck. You were too weak to push her away, so you clawed at her fingers.

She almost slammed her fist into your face but was interrupted by a familiar voice.

Garnet! You sighed in relief.

"Let them go," she ordered in a low, terrifying voice. She always used that voice when you were in trouble, and it scared you senseless.

Phoebe immediately dropped you but glared menacingly at Garnet. The gem jumped up and landed right next to you. The kids stared at her with their mouths gaped open.

"Leave," she spoke monotonously. The frightened teens all looked at their leader but she stood her ground.

Garnet took one step forward and all of the teens ran away screaming, except Phoebe. She was shaking, though.

"What did I just say?" the tall gem asked, pulling off her visors to reveal her three eyes. Phoebe almost fainted at the sight and took a few steps back.

"Leave. Now. Don't you ever, ever touch (Y/N) again. I don't want to see you here ever again," Garnet boomed, causing Phoebe to finally take off, too.

The gem summoned her visors to cover her eyes once again. She reached down to you and scooped you up in her strong arms. She didn't say anything as she carried you in The Temple.

"(Y/N), I know that you think I'm trying to ruin your fun, but I just want to protect you. I want you to be safe. I hope you understand," she finally said as she brought to Rose's healing fountain. Your body ached terribly until she dipped you in the tears.

She placed you back on your feet and began to walk away. You gulped and grabbed her wrist. You could see her smirking as she turned her head.

"Garnet... I- I'm sorry. Thank you for saving from those jerks. You deserve so much better than me. I- I love you, Garnet," you told her. She leaned over to hug you.

"I love you too, (Y/N)," she smiled, placing one hand on your head. You smiled, too, and you both made your way back to The Temple, together.


I'm kinda running out of ideas for one-shots so if you guys could give me some requests I would gladly take them!

Also, thank you guys so so much for 100+ reads!!! This is so amazing ily!

Btw, you can check out my other books: The Homeworld Human (Homeworld Gems x child reader) and Learning (Jasper x fem!reader)!

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Ily all!

- Aehlyn

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